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Top 10 people I admire on Strokenet



The original title for this blog entry was "Top 10 intelligent people on strokenet".

But I ammended the title so as to not offend anyone. pash.gif

Here's another 'list'. : These are the people whom I sit up and take notice of what they have to say.

This is in no specific order of best to least or anything of the like.

These are numbered only for my sake of making sure I do have 10 listed. silly.gif


1) Steve Mallory

2) HostMichael

3) JRiva

4) Foxnix

5) 007

6) ssanchez

7) garydotgray

8) HW Stock

9) Rezdog

10) ChefDenny

BTW, Please don't be offended if your name doesn't appear on this list, it doesn't mean I think you're not smart, uh, I'm not sure what motivated me to list only 10 persons or identities who frequent Strokenet. I guess I felt compelled to make another 'list' to start other bloggers to make their own list.


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I'm not sure that your list should have been titled "top 10 intelligent people on Strokenet." It should be more like the top 10 people who motive you, make you think, or who you admire. There are a lot of intelligent people on this site who keep their light under a basket and the people who 'speaks to you/your heart' might not speak to others, and vise versa.


No matter what you call your list, I'm proud and flattered to be on it! "Intelligent" is not a word I'm used to hearing in the same breath as my name. Common sense, yes, but not intelligent. I'm not.



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Hay Janice (not Jan) lol_2.gif


I appreciate that you thought enough of me to include me on your "Top 10 List".


I just wanted you to know that I am not worthy of a place on this list. blush.gif


I would be most proud just to be included (last place is fine) on your list of friends. flowers.gif


Here are some of those smiles that you like eh smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifgiggle.gif


You are a good strokebuddy Janice pash.gif


Thanks and smiles smile.gif



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I agree, it's a great list of movers and shakers. I know with all my heart, that if your list was 11 people long, that I would have easily made it. wink.gif


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Wow, I'm number 2 on the list biggrin.gif . I know, they're not in any paticular order.


I'm flattered to make the list.



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I agree with Cinder about the list of people........and except if there were 12 spaces.....well maybe. biggrin.gif

Cindy smile.gif

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I thank you from the bottom of my heart that you would think so much of me that I would be included on your 'Top Ten List'. I know that the names ARE not in order, because you probably listed them as they came to mind.



Chef Denny

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