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WE survived!!



It all went well, Hubby was cake and ice cream man, I just walked and served ppl who were sitting. Madeline racked up on the gifts, but it was good, b/c we did a good toy donation before B-day of outgrown toys.


She is busy looking and admiring her loot pile:)


I am going to go and print off the Thank You cards, and have 'em in the mail tom. morning.


If I don't do it now, it won't get done.


Hubby is asleep on couch, my nerve pill really knocked him out.


The weather was perfect, cool and breezy.


Being a hostess, you don't get to visit with anyone well.


I have a family B-day party to go to Sat.,it will be nice to sit back and watch another crazy mom/hostess.


No cake left TG.



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