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"In this world"



Hey everyone. This week has been new too me... I dent know what it is. Me getting older or me being affriad to let people know what i feel.


Yesterday (I know how many people say this i don't want to be in the cleshea) I honestly think i found myself. That i can do things on my own and tell people what i think. It took me a while to forgive myself, letting myself know that i didn't started anything. The illness of my father, the death of my granfather. I knew it wisent my fault. But i always thought, "Maybe if i said something before it happened, i could have given them more strenght." And i have hated myself for it. I blamed myself everyday for it. But now i know that i can calm down, and know it wisent me.


I know this bloc just seems like a regular 15 year old. One with angst and optimism. And it is. And i have final come to terms that this is me. And that this is the person i was meant to be. And if no one else in this world can see it, i am fine with it. I am final happy with myself biggrin2.gif and i am not changing anymore.



I need to thank you guys once augean. For listening to what i need to say. And not disproving of it. But taking time to look. Thank you guys. smile.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin2.gif


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One thing you need to realize is that not only has stroke touched all of our lives but we all have been 15 years old in our lives. I have always thought you had a good mature head on your shoulders since you started blogging, but I'm glad you are getting in touch with yourself and being smart enough to recognize it! Do you know how many so called adults don't even have their fingers on the pulse of how they feel....(if they even have a pulse) So you are learning valuable life lessens at a young age and handling it with grace and maturity.

You go girl! pash.gif


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Lexie, you have had to grow up fast ...You are doing a wonderful job of handling the things thrown at you .....

you are very mature for your age and even though you have had to go through unhappy events you are learning to handle them in a positive way.

You are to be admired!!!


flowers.gif Bonnie

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it is WONDERFUL you have learned at an early age to forgive yourself. i have only begun to be able to do that AND I'M 42 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!! forgiveness, whether for yourself or others and moving on and looking ahead, is what life is all about!!!!!!




love ya

kim pash.gifpash.gifpash.gif

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