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A week of nothing much



I am sitting here at a loose end as I am waiting to go to the airport to pick up my husband. His flight from London has been delayed because of thunderstorms. By now I should be settling in to my first glass of wine of the w/e.

Nothing very much has happened this week. The usual- running the kids about, cooking, cleaning- just run of the mill stuff.

Last week when I was swimming I got talking to a PT student who had lost the use of her arm 18 mths ago because of muscle damage. She had a really good attitude- it wasnt going to stop her doing anything. Unfortunately she had to give up her PT course, but she had enrolled on another degree course biomedical sciences. Good for her.


I was at a tia chi class on Wednesday- thru the stroke exercise class I go to. It was quite good.I thought Tia Chi was meant to be good for you- my affected arm is really sore today, I can hardly move it. Mind you I did fall over last night, so maybe I hurt it then- the muscles in the shoulder and top of the arm feel really sore.

Oh well, it get better.


My son asked when we were going to get another dog last night. I saw a guide dog on the bus today. She looked just like my old dog. Maybe in the spring- then I would have to go for walks biggrin2.gif


Take care all of you. I guess for some this w/e will be difficult. You are in my thoughts




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For someone who titled her blog nothing much, that was a pretty full week.

Hope your husband got home ok and you finally got to settle in with a glass of wine.


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