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11 months



I am 11 months post stroke as of the 12th.

Have to say that I thought I would be out of work a few months and back to the usual. Not so. I am so very thankful to God that my Brainstem injury was not too bad. I have mostly cognitive issues, sometimes choke when eating mindlessly, limp a bit, still have facial drooping which makes me self conscious sometimes, but the cognitive issues are the most bothersome. I am a nurse...?was?...not really sure if I will work as a nurse again. Right now I would not trust myself to be fast enough thinking, multitasking or speaking as I need to be. Add to that the cervical and lumbar disc herniations that are causing intractible pain...Pain meds make thinking worse. I feel like such a dummy, entertaining to the kids though.

Need to apply for social security disability. That is hard...feels like giving up.

I love being at home. I always wanted to be at home mom. That is the best thing my stroke brought.




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hey Mary:


isn't it sad that sometime adversity in life gives us the best thing in world, being able to stay home with kids and enjoy life the way they do.


Asha(stay at home mom 2 at 36)

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You are a blessed woman, got your family, kids, reasonable health and more coming. That's great coming upon 1 year. I'll have 2 years in January, no regrets.

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Stroke also gave me the gift of being a stay-at-home Mommy at age 27. I was a 3rd grade teacher pre stroke. Now, I feel, they can have my job. WE were both in the helping profession(teaching/nursing).


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It is wonderful that you have gotten your wishes of wanting to be home.

Once a nurse,always a nurse whether or not you are in the Work Force.

Wish y well with your back surgery and with your I yr anniversary post stroke coming up.

Mine was Dec1,1 yr post stroke so we will have to celebrate one of these days!

Take care


lorrainelm cloud9.gifcloud9.gif

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