Know Yourself?
some force in the universe is trying to prevent me from writing this blog. the first time, i was finished, pressed 'post new entry', simultaneously got a pm, and lost the blog. the second and third time, i pressed 'show all' clickable smilies and got booted off strokenet. i'll stick to the smilies that i can see.
now, i have to edit this blog because i have too many emotions. will this never end?
1. What do you want?
lots and lots of money so that i can do what i want and give it away.earning it, inheriting it, winning a lawsuit, or hitting Powerball are all viable options
2. What do you need?
myself.without myself i would be dead, literally.
3. What is your greatest fear?
dying with grey hair and a cluttered house. having the Patriot Act become part of the constitution, George W. Bush become King, and Christianity become the Official Religion of the USA runs a close second
4. What is your dearest wish?
that i die old, blond, and pretty
5. What do you need to be happy?
see question 2
6. What is your ambition
to clean and organize my house and my business, which i'm slowly doing
7. What is your greatest talent?
my ability to match my clothes. my shoes, my handbag, and my hair color
8. What is your most formidable obstacle?
i seem to be too short for my weight
9. Who is your worst enemy?
my immune system. my mother-in-law runs a close second
10. With what part of your life are you satisfied?
my job, my friends, my family (including my cats), my brains, and my fashion sense
11. What is your misery in life?
see question 8
12. What part of your life would you change?
nothing. i like the path that i'm on
13. What part of your life would you change in the next year?
if my path takes me there, to lengthen a bit so that my weight matches my height
14. What is your mission?
this is a silly question
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