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Expectations are funny things. The expectation never plays out according to my fantasy. I've experienced both extremes since Friday.


1. The expectation of horrible pain after pilar cysts were removed - pain wasn't nearly as bad as I had expected but it was a blessing that I was able to stay overnight at the surgery center. I didn't have to think of a thing during that time. I was fine getting up to the bathroom, however since I had the compression leggings on and an IV the aid had to help me up. Of course, the fact that I didn't let the pain get out of hand before requesting medication probably didn't hurt either! Another blessing was that the doctor was able to remove all three large cysts. He was happy and I am thrilled.


2. Trey came to "help". I expected that he would understand the reason he was asked to come - to help with his dad's care so I could rest. Of course he discovered a flat tire on his pick-up when he arrived so that was his first priority. He had no money so I got the phone call requesting that he use one of our credit cards to replace the tire. And then, he had to stop to take care of that detail before he could bring Bill up to the surgery center. Finally they arrived at about 5 o'clock. I could tell by looking at Bill that he was worried.


Friday he spent about 2 1/2 hours outside piddling around with his truck while Bill was inside wondering what was going on and managing to take his shower with no help.......Even though I have tried to explain Bill's situation to Trey he won't accept it. I'm thankful there was no fall - and that's all I need to say about that.


Then came Saturday morning. I was home by 9 a.m. - our friend picked me up. When I awoke I found his note on the floor - he'd gone to "run some errands" and get something for his truck....Guess what that meant? I was on call.......less than 24 hours after surgery I was once again the nurse/caregiver. I finally called him at 2 p.m. and he was just leaving Gander Mountain. I was HOT. I told him he was needed here and I didn't appreciate him leaving, that he knew when he came the reason he was needed. I know I need to get over it - but I'm still angry.


Yesterday he came and asked if he could go to youth group last evening with a friend. He left at about 4:30. Bill was hungry for his favorite Vietnamese food, so at 7:15 I called Trey to see if he'd stop and get his dad something to eat on his way home. He answered the phone because he "thought it might be an emergency" - however when I gave him my request his reply was that he didn't have his pick-up - he'd ridden to church with his friend's family. OK - where is the logic here? Answers the phone because it might be an emergency - has no way to leave because he rode with someone else. Great decision making on his part.


At 3:15 this morning he was still on the computer. He was not happy when I told him to go to bed. I told him he had better get his rest because I have things for him to do today. "OK?" was his reply - resentful because at 19 I am telling him what to do? Probably. Do I care? NO....He obviously has no decision making skills - except to do what he wants to do.


So EXPECTATIONS - again, if I don't have them I'm not disappointed. When will I learn THAT lesson? Slowly, very slowly I know.


Still though - the great thing is that I'm not feeling too bad! I feel a little pulling from the staples - and I'm sure that will continue until they are removed. Now I have dents in my scalp instead of bumps - that's ok - dents are easier to cover than bumps!!!



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Just the thought of what you went through with the cysts was enough to send shivers up my spine. Glad that is behind you!



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No matter where we are in our lives journey, expectations are not a thing to nurture or keep around. They have a way of reaching up and slapping you when you aren't looking.

Now I know that is very "un-zenlike" of me, but hey I'm a realist first and foremost.

Glad you are on the mend........


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my Spiritual teacher(hubby) always says expectation leads us to sorrow, not saying it right way, but I know from ton of examples expectation always lead to heartache and headache



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