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stuck in BFE



Having a catchup day today - no doing much of anything - although did take care of my plants today, removing all the dead leaves and such....keep forgetting to water them. My girlie comes back from her dad's today :Clap-Hands: Getting used to being by myself with tonl the dog to talk to. Everybody has kinda moved on and no one calls or drops by anymore..... I'm guessing that is the reason that many of us turn to online support? Dealing with this is exhausting for me so it must be a real drag for others. I can do a lot if things but get tired easy and my attention span is very small- is an effort to keep focusing on one thing...Sort term memory is shot too so I must seem lik an idiot when I keep asking peopl to repeat themselves..... Yes, am having a bit of a "poor me" attitude today......letting my mind work itself through it though, easiest and fastest way to get over it - hormonal adjustment still happening (early menopause) eek! Have my 3 month doc appt tomorrow...

Husbnd called from work - he knows I've been having trouble getting rides to therapy so he called his dad - Daren came over for a bit - he's going to take me to the doc tomorrow - so hrd to find a ride - guess I should really sgn up fot driving course so that I can get my confidence back and maybe start driving again - I just don't want to wreck again. I'm getting too used to being in the house and being able to walk arounf town - scares me to think about driving in the larger more congested areas. I don't react fast enough to people, let alone cars. There is a "catch-A-ride" program bu it is sooo expensive since we live in a small town - it is at least a 20 minute drive to one of the larger towns.Love living in a small town most of the time - but right noe it would be helpful to be closer to "civiization". going to go take a break and sit on the porch and watch some traffic go by, maybe try to do a little cross-stitch.....might rain later, maybe we'll get a good storm - nothing like what the east coast is getting though!

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Mel, both survivors and caregivers fall into the "poor me" syndrome sometimes. I had an attack of that this morning and got out in the sun for a while, that seems to help. Then I took Ray down to the lake about ten minutes drive from where we live. We sat there in the winter sun looking at the view before walking for a while with me pushing his wheelchair. Keeping busy helps and so does exercise.


A lot of us do come here for support because friends, particularly those who still work full-time, don't have time for us now in their busy lives. We build a different kind of life, like you I do hand crafts, in my case knitting, crochetting, beading. I play on the computer while Ray has an afternoon nap, sometimes get out in the garden or take a short walk. At night I phone older, already retired friends, read, watch tv, come back to the computer. It is as if a stroke shrinks your world.


I'm sure missing your daughter had something to do with how you felt when you posted this. Hope now she is home you feel much brighter.



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