Cookies anyone?
You are right Sue -I do feel better today with my daughter home - and had a preety good conversation wih hubby last night. He got really angry about something and didn't want to talk about it - I poked and prodded a bit to get him to tell me (it was something really silly - even he said that) which led to him actually telling me what has been bothering everybody around me - at least those who were involved with me and my girl scout troop and our cookie sale. My stroke occurred right in the middle of all that. If any of you have beeninvolved with scouting you will understand the pandemonium that surrounds this annual event. Apparently we did't get all the cookie sold and we noe owe the Girl Scout Council some money still - they were going to start collections against me ( because am leader of the troop), so no one would tell me this because theydidn;'t want me to worry or get stressed out :head_hurts: . So instead, everybody quit talking to me because they can't avoid "the elephant in the room"! NO STRESS HERE AT ALL :Tantrum: My hubby - ever the night in shining armor- offered to go ahead and make up the difference, but they didn't want him to have to bear that expense and instead have been working furiously behind the scenes to try and get these things sold and get the debt paid. I understand and appreciate all of this (and I probably would have done the same thing), however I don't wish to lose my friends over it - money has a way of doing strange things to people though.....
I guess I should feel grteful for people who love me enough to "take a bullet" for me - but if the bullet gets them that means they are gone??? Hubby apologized for keeping me in the dark, I'll have to go and find my friends though - apparently they are miffed because I never ask about the situation (that I knew nothing about!!!)Rock and a hard place, I tell ya :yeahrite:
On a brighter note though - my hubby got the call that he has made it to the fourth and final phaseof the interview process for our "Andy Griffith" poisition here in town :Clap-Hands: His interview is next Monday, hopefully we'll kmow something soon after.........
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