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Day 2...the first day of the rest of my life...



So I slept THAT's a big surprise. My head full of her. I continued to try to breathe deep, slow breathes to relax and keep focused and that helped. I think I finally fell into a deeper sleep close to the morning. The kids slept in which was nice.


Tomorrow I start working with a life coach. Aruni is a lesbian, has a strong spiritual base, and I've been to several seminars with her at my retreat house. I trust her right now because of our spiritual commonalities and because I know she understands the connection I have with Jane... Here is my struggle...some people have said to me...just move on, if its meant to be, its meant to be...others have said, just give her the space, she may come around with time and healing. So how long do I long do I allow myself to sit in limbo "waiting for a crumb" as some have said? It WOULD be easier for me to just let go, tell her the door is always open for her but allow myself to move forward and onward with my life. But should I do the easy thing...shut the door that I promised would be open for the short term? Or should I wait and see and hope...when does the waiting become hopeLESS and dysfunctional and unhealthy? Her first request is only a month to I'll just take it a month this time and then see how I feel. And if it looks promising...maybe wait ANOTHER month.


I know she is changed but I'm trying to figure out how much of my instincts and gut feel are just hopeless optimism or real insight into her current state. Her connection struggles are sadly not new ground. EVERY relationship has its issues...I brought baggage to the table as did she...and her baggage was her inability to make herself vulnerable to me. But we did conquer this...with a well our relationship which is why we both felt that we were STRONG before this happened. Which is why she said she was considering changing jobs and moving closer to me BEFORE the stroke happened...she had finally learned to let go and to trust because she knew we were strong and good for each other. I was learning to trust her love and space too...trusting when she would go inside herself to heal herself that she would ALWAYS return to me...ALWAYS. And I had learned to trust that. Should I let go of that trust now...? I don't think so as it feels soooooooo premature. When I was with her, the connection felt like it was truly did. I truly believe that the discomfort she is feeling is simply the regression back to what was past habit and just be independent and only depend on herself. I'm hoping as her thoughts clear over the next couple of months, these memories and thoughts will come back to her. I trust her therapist will not let her stay in a dysfunctional "only depend on herself" state. I know she was working with her to accept the help from her let go of past issues to get herself better so she could return to Colorado where she wants to be ultimately. If she can bring Jane back to HERSELF, I think Jane will come find me. That's assuming there really isn't severe damage to her emotional state.


When we were together, I asked her if she was ready to accept help from those around her as I knew this was a big struggle for her. She has accepted help from her ex-therapist/mentor, her business associate who is managing her day to day affairs, and her family which was a HUGE struggle for her. But accepting help from them frankly is easy/ier because they don't threaten her emotional vulnerability in a loving committed relationship...they represent family ties and friendships, albeit friendships with a lot of love. They only go so far into the intimate reserve we hold sacred in ourselves. It is different to accept and welcome being vulnerable to someone with whom you are developing/DID develop an intimate relationship. Our level of intimacy is BEYOND anything she has with those people and that, I'm sure, in and of itself is hard for her to get right now so turning to them first IS easier and makes sense she'd surround herself with folks who can help her and keep things easy for her. Which is as it should be I guess, although that's a hard one...but I want to understand that and really own that feeling.


I miss my therapist...she understood my history and my history with Jane and all I have gone through over the last 5 years, and even in my lifetime. I am sad about having to start anew but hopefully a new fresh perspective will help.


That's all for now I goes on...and I have way too much to do.


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I can't answer most of your questions but I've got a theory about one of them, your statement: "So how long do I long do I allow myself to sit in limbo 'waiting for a crumb' as some have said?"


Experts claim that it takes one month for every year a person was married to get over a divorce. I think the same can be said for a life alternating event like a stroke---it takes time to accept and to adjust to it and Jane is just beginning the process. In your case, you and Jane have been together three years, so what would be wrong with giving the situation three months to turn around before you make a decision if the relationship is worth saving or not? Nothing in the stroke recovery process comes easy or quick and you are beating yourself up over things that can't hope to be resolved in such a short time. Can you find a way to put your fears on hold for a while and quit trying to project how Jane feels now or will feel down the road a month or two?



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Yes...I can do that...I'm working on that. I really want to do that! That's why I'm just letting my stream of consciousness out here...trying to let the fears OUT so they don't stay with me INSIDE. I'm trying to disassociate from the musings because I know it is my minds way of coping with all going on. My meeting tomorrow with my life coach should really help me on my way with that...but these are the questions that float around in my head and if i don't ask them, I can't answer them and find a way to peace around it. Does that make sense??


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Nothing in the stroke recovery process comes easy or quick and you are beating yourself up over things that can't hope to be resolved in such a short time. Can you find a way to put your fears on hold for a while and quit trying to project how Jane feels now or will feel down the road a month or two?


Jean...this statement keeps resonating with me...I keep rereading it and it is giving me some peace...thanks!




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