Robyn's Blog

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Hey Babe!!!



How was your day today...?? I was thinking of you all day! Wondering what you are working you are you are coping...? Tomorrow is 7 weeks since your feels so long ago yet 7 weeks is really nothing in the big picture... I have so many questions...wishing I knew what was going on...


We had violin lessons tonight...they seemed to go well. Sammy is very enthusiastic and is enjoying it so far. Margaret is dedicated as well. I can't wait for you to hear them'll be nice!


I picked up People Magazine today and thought of you as I read it. I know how much you love it!


I just wrapped up my three free coaching sessions with Aruni. She is offering me one month for $200/month...3 - 1/2 hours sessions and unlimited emails. It is a bargain but not something I can afford along with regular therapy so I asked her for something less for now and eventually as my therapy winds down I'll up the coaching. Right now therapy is reimbursable from insurance and medical spending...coaching isn't...until I have a better sense of my budget I don't want to commit to a ton of money. It's hard...truly hard, but that's the way money is until my house back east sells. I know you can emote...I'm sure your house in Ohio hasn't sold yet either.


I'm feeling tired right now so I'm going to sign off. I think of you all the time...I love you...I miss you...I'm waiting, no problem!!! I'm not sure I could love you more than I do now!!! You are my heart and my love and my life! I hope you have sweet dreams!!! I am holding you in my arms!!!!




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Robyn-I just wanted to let you know that I sense you are coming along and feeling better by the sounds of your posts.I think doing your blog has helped you so much along w/ the support of this wonderful board. Do you think it would help JAne if you gave her this site to browse thru? I had to go back and read your initial post to see how bad her stroke was and if she is having difficulty talking maybe posting would help her communicate better. Just a thought. I know this site has been a God send for us although my husband doesn't post he's here everyday reading and it has made him feel like he's not alone, that stroke doesn't pick and choose it's victims.

BTW-good luck on the sale of the house in Ohio. That's where we are and there are so many houses up for sale in my town you wouldn't believe it. Hope all goes well eventually.

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I just want to second what Ruth is saying about your posts sounding like you are much more in control than you were when you started. You're definately heading towards a better place of acceptance.



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:D Thanks Ruth and Jean...I am heading towards a better place. It is still a journey and a process but both my therapist and my coach have said that I'm doing all I can do to manage this situation and its frustrations. I'm enjoying the UPS when they happen and am not letting myself stay in the DOWNS when they come back to haunt me. Its a roller coaster ride for sure.


I miss her and I'm worried about her but I've accepted this is how it has to be right now. I think in time it WILL be fine but I'm just having to learn a lot about myself until then...


Thanks for all your support. I don't know about telling Jane about the site yet. I don't know how our next conversation will go but I DO know she's getting plenty of physical, cognitive, and emotional support at Spaulding and with her therapist/coach so I'm thinking right now she has what she needs. I think in time yes she should know about this place but frankly, if I may be a BIT selfish, I need this place as my refuge and it would be hard for me to be honest and share what's really hurting me and frustrating me if she were lurking over my shoulder. Right now she doesn't have her computer with her is in Colorado so it isn't really an option at this point.

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Robyn-you're right! I never thought about it that way. Kind of like your own secret place to go and vent and to be yourself. It's not being selfish. We also need help to cope w/stroke. It affects everyone not just the survivor.

I hope you hear from her soon and that she has made progress in her re-hab.

Keep blogging for you!

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I'm definitely blogging for me, THANKS!!! does effect everyone, unfortunately the stroke survivor doesn't recognize that for a while, if ever. I'm hoping this time and space has really helped her clear her head. I'm just continuing to do my work to make myself healthy and comfortable with this new situation. I keep hoping and praying she'll come around in time...that's what everyone has told me should happen so I'll just keep up the faith!

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