Rain, Rain - Go Away
I remember when rain was a minor inconvenience. Now it's become a major pain in the.....Yesterday was just one of those days.
Bill had a dental appointment at the VA in Durham, about 60 miles east of here. The appointment was at 11 a.m., so I felt we should leave about 9 - just in case, and since it was raining. I'd decided a route I felt would be a little easier to get on the interstate. The idea was a good one - the accident on the interstate that slowed traffic to a crawl for about 20 minutes proved to be a little bit of a mind game for me....We got through it and were on our way. Clear sailing to the VA.
We arrived about 10:15, plenty of time to get to the appointment. No place to park out front, but that was ok since it was raining, and by parking in the parking deck we could use the walkway and never need to worry about getting wet. After showing ID we were waived around - with an admonishment that we should continue on the street around the hospital in the future if we wanted to park in the deck..ok, ok...so we all need to feel our authority at some times. We turned around the parking lot and there it was - a line of traffic about 30 cars deep that wasn't moving. By 10:30 I called the dental office and told thim I was in the lot - but not moving....fine, I had PLENTY of time!!! It was 11 a.m., we had just found our parking space and the wheelchair was retrieved from the trunk and off we flew. By 11:15 Bill was nicely delivered to the dentist and I was "free" to get a cup of coffee.
We had a full day - dentist, a stop at the audiology clinic just to see if there might be an open slot for them to check Bill's ear (he's lost the hearing in his right ear), his flu shot and even a trip to the cafeteria. Since he had dental work plus dental hygiene we had time between for lunch. Oh - the guys who got their flu shots were really funny. All the Vietnam vets with grey (well if they had any) hair, cutting up like they were newly enlisted waiting for their shots - except for the "experience" of a tour in Nam. What have I heard, "experience plus time + humor". Those grenades, the friendly and not so friendly fire became fodder for one liners and laughter.
We were finally finished with the VA at about 3:30.......Now the fun of the return trip. The rain had really picked up. Now we were experiencing a full-fledged downpour and it lasted from Durham to Greensboro. I now know I've officially entered the age of retirement - a few years earlier than I'd planned. I put myself in the middle lane, set my mental cruise control on 62 and it was as though I was travelling along in a horse and buggy. I was especially impressed when I was sandwiched between to 18 wheelers who shot past me like a jet on a runway. I kept wondering, where are the state troopers on days like this? Then I realized - it was raining and why would they want to be out there? They might have to get out and get wet to ticket the fools who seemed to really enjoy driving like idiots with a visibility factor of one to two car lengths.
Arriving back in Greensboro we had a choice. Should I run in and get a couple of things I needed to make us some chicken noodle soup, or should we find a restaurant? For me the choice was simple. The grocery store won out and I got the supplies. We went home, I got the fireplace going made the soup and we were just as cozy as we could be.
I thought about the day last night. It was a real reminder to me of the meaning of caregiver. The roles as I remember them had been reversed. I was absolutely exhausted. Bill didn't seem to have been affected much at all. He wasn't much more tired than at the end of a "usual" day. I fell asleep about 10:00 and didn't wake until about 8:00 this morning. I had to do the dishes before I could even make coffee. This is the reality of caregiving. Not exactly the most glamorous of stories, but I'm thankful we can still make the trips to the VA. I'm thankful there is a place we can go for Bill's dental work. I'm also thankful the rain has subsided today!!!
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