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that's my husband's name. benjamin BUFORD williams lll. wub2.gif


his name is a CURSE!!!! he avoids calling himself his name at ALL costs!!! when he makes reservations he always says " BEN williams". when i first started dating him i wore a sweater of his and spilled chocolate icecream all over it. the next day i offered to have it cleaned and he said it was already at the cleaners. i INSISTED on picking it up and paying for it. he finally told me that it wasn't in his name. i said" what do you MEAN, it isn't in your name?" he then told me it was under "ben" because he didn't want anyone to have to say BUFORD!!!!!! biggrin2.gif


his friends all have different nicknames for him. boo, beauty, b, etc... his employees call him "mr B". he HATES his name. it would be different if he were a man of large stature that LOOKED like a buford. but instead, he's 5'8" tall, 150 pounds, 2 masters degrees, wears ( when it's not golf attire) button downs, kahkis, loafers, etc. he's clean shaven, soft spoken, plays the clarinet, etc..

he has ben teased INCESSANTLY about his name throughout his life. hey there "BUFORD PUSSER", OR BENJAMIN BUFORD BLUE "BUBBA" after forest gump came out etc.......


it's a family name. don't ask him about it though. the name came from an ancestor , general buford from the civil war. it will take him longer to explain

general buford's role in the civil war than it actually took the war to happen!!!! (one of his degrees is in history) i had told ashley REPEATEDLY to PALEASE don't ask her daddy a history question when i'm around because i just can't take it!!!!


when she was nine years old she "forgot". we had just left our driveway when something about school came up. we were on our way to six flags over georgia. the georgia line is about 100 miles from our house. she "accidently" asked him something history related about one of her classes and i IMMEDIATLEY gave her the "look". ashley mouthed a silent "sorry kim". and then his "lecture" started. i thought i was going to cry i was so bored. FINALLY. we had just crossed the GA line when he finished.


he said" ash, does that answer your question?" i turned around to see her expression and BURST out laughing!!! she was as limp as a dish rag, had her head leaned back on the head rest and was snoring with her mouth open!!!!!!

he said" well, i guess that WAS a little long".


anyway, buford is his name. happydance.gif


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Hi Kimberly,


I can't resist asking..... If your husband hates his name so much why in Sam Hill doesn't he just go down and get it legally changed? Life is too short to live with something (or someone) you don't like. Short of doing that, tell him to come live up here in the north. Shorting a formal name like his, for every day life, is more common than not.




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don't think i haven't asked him to think about getting it changed. he would NEVER do that since he's named after his dad!!!! but his DAD really gets to be CALLED ben!!!!! it's crazy.


as far as moving north, i'd give up the last 5 minutes of my life to live in the north. it's so HOT down here it's SICKENING!!!!!! but, that's where the family is and BUFORD won't budge. maybe one day when i'm older and retired and everyone is gone.


i LOVE the north!!!!!!


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Tell him it could always be worse.


I have a cousin whos first name is Jimbob, course he prefers using his first and middle initials J.R.


Then I have a great great uncle whos name was Moe. To fully apreciate this let me tell you his full name: Moe Crow.




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Why are parents so cruel to give their offsrping such potentially goofy or embarassing names?

Does your husband like to be called BB? yeahrite.gif

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