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April 14




the day before tax day and our taxes are all done and refunds have been spent. I think I did mine wrong. Rushed to get them done so I could get the FASFA done. It was due March 15 at the college and I didnt realize this until the 17th.


Guess I will have to do an amended one. Didn't pay any taxes in but got a refund! Hey, every little bit helps now!


Trying to keep up with the things that are needed for my son'e college. He was signed to play NCAA football. Getting some scholarship $ Praise God! All the paperwork and visits and whatever else is confusing and I feel very scattered. Forgot to send in the acceptance $ and had to call the school....I really hate to have to explain that I have these cognitive deficits....feel dumb!


Had a flooding problem with the washing machine a month or so ago and still trying to get through that....I kinda made it worse trying to fix it. O well, the downstairs needed cleaning out anyway. I am trying to figure fixing that and then the upstairs son "fell" through the wall and I think 2 or 3 walls need replaced.


I need the energy to do all this and a big firecracker to put under my son to help.


Well...I will write more later.




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