veggie.vampire's Blog

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Rehab Revisited



Remember the rehab I went to in December? After 5 months I finally had my follow up yesterday. As I progressed frustratingly I was discharged and have had no speech therapy or NHS physio since. Was a panel of doctor, wheelchair woman, physio and a nurse on the ward. The doctor declared I was managing fine, did arrange speech therapy though and I see them for another waste of time in 6 months. The NHS is content for me to stay as I am. I'm not! Would any of them be happy to stay needing help even to the toilet when being independent is a realisable dream? I think not. Ross sensed I wasn't happy with the meeting, I don't think my silence at the time made any difference to the outcome though. Our NHS is great but it is grossly unfair how some people get regular free physio while I would get none if I didn't pay for it.

I'll keep seeing my private physio, I'm getting there slowly. Had a good session this week. Normally I feel I'm falling backwards, my physio says it is where my trunk is so weak. Well this week I didn't feel I fell back, felt totally balanced. Worked myself hard, we're now working on building up my stamina. I'm doing exercises to strengthen my trunk, seems they are working. I built them into the set I do 4 times daily with speech exercises.

I admit to a few days of feeling fed up, doesn't everyone get off days? Yesterday made me fired up though, more determined to be successful. I had a long honest think after and I can really see improvement and hope, I'm not being silly. One day I'll show them!


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Dear Ross,


I was out of town this weekend and just got in. I am very sorry to hear the news. That's awful. My heart goes out to you and the boys.



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Guest faithycan



I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you and yours.



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ross my deepest sympathy to you and your family shes now at peace sitting next to our maker and walking running joking as well l as looking over you and family just remember you are also a suvivor in fact its raining here now i looking at it as though the man upstairs is crying he may have bigger plans for diane but you stay strong not only for diane but your children they need you now more than ever but please still stay in contact with us because you are also a suvivor again take into account she gave you a great son






BESS Y :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum:

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Hi, it's Ross again. I had the autopsy results today. Di died from a 2nd massive stroke in the same place as before, there was nothing anyone could have done. It was pure coincidence that she was eating at the time and then couldn't swallow, but it wasn't really choking, it was the whole body shutting down. Diane passed away very quickly and would have felt nothing.


I'm not a religious person by most western standards, I've never believed in any God or Gods, but I do believe in an afterlife and in some higher plane of existance where I will meet Di again. For those who wish to say a prayer for Diane, or just spend some time in quiet thought, the funeral is June 27 at 12:30 GMT.


Thanks again for the kind words and remember this:

Live life to the full, but live it one day at a time and never, ever, give up!




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so sorry to hear about your loss ross my condolences go out to you and your family i never really chatted with diane on stroke net but i think of it as now shes sitting right there next to our maker she has passed threw those i call tis one gods store house god has a great big store house where al his treasures lie that door is always open come on in and browse awhile ones shelf is full of mercy another is loaded with grace toss toss idems in a baskets as you liven up your pace the next aisle has a table heaped up with various things joy peace love fore give ness gifts that he can only bring now to up to our keeper with each purchase that you have made and stand in wide amazement when he says the price is paid may you rest in peace you paid your tolls no go onthrew those pearly gates you have nae become 1 of god s many angels and you can still stand and walk with your family and look down upon them as time goes bye they will know your right there threw thick and thin now you can climb the biggest mountain top and say i'm up here ive recived my wings but please r's ross still keep in contact wit every one we have to be by each others sides in the time of need






BESSY :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :ranting:

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I am very sorry to hear of your loss. Diane was a neat lady and an inspiration to us all. s

She will be missed.



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hello ross,

sry to hear about diane yes she is at peace now, no more worries/troubles or struggles

i hope you the best i know loss can be a painful feeling,

take care,


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Dear Ross,

I have not been on for sometime, what a shock I had when I read the news. I am so sorry. Diane was a real fighter, she was an inspiration. Words are inadequate.


you have my heartfelt sympathies. I will be thinking about you and Diane and your son on wednesday



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Bonnie mentioned this to me last week, and I am sorry I haven't responded here sooner, but my condolences to you as well. I have had people with my church praying for you and your family during this trying time.


I always enjoyed her posts. She was quite upbeat, despite her disability; at least that's my opinion. Dianne will be missed.



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I spent some quiet time yesterday Jun 27th, Diane's funeral, and said my goodbyes while thinking we all got to make the same journey one day.


I'm glad you had the autopsy done to relieve any questions in your mind on what more you could or could not have done under the circumstances. It makes for a better closure for all of us who talked with her and got to know her well.


Take care of yourself and remember you can contact us anytime you desire for any reason(s).


Fred, The Welcome committee Host!

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Ross and Family,


Diane's strength, persistance, and positive attitude was an inspiration. I am filled with sorrow and will miss her on the site. Healing thoughts.



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Ross... and family...


I am so sad to hear this... Since joining here, granted I haven't gotten to know a lot of members. I've read quite a few bio's and blogs. And I did read Diane's... Words alone will never comfort. But you can rest assure that Diane will be missed and was loved by the people on here.


And you are right.. she is at rest... she is looking down at you, knowing your love.


Denny Shane



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was so sorry to hear of diane's passing.

will be praying for you and the family in a special way.

keep strong,



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So very sad. I'm sorry it was such a long struggle for her. I didn't know her but rest assured she knew you loved her. You proved it by staying with her. Bless you for that. I recently lost someone special to me, as well.

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