veggie.vampire's Blog

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just my recovery

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Rehab Revisited

Remember the rehab I went to in December? After 5 months I finally had my follow up yesterday. As I progressed frustratingly I was discharged and have had no speech therapy or NHS physio since. Was a panel of doctor, wheelchair woman, physio and a nurse on the ward. The doctor declared I was managing fine, did arrange speech therapy though and I see them for another waste of time in 6 months. The NHS is content for me to stay as I am. I'm not! Would any of them be happy to stay needing help even




You may think me mad but as any survivor will tell you they will try virtually anything as they strive to improve. Ross tried a new martial art and raved about his instructor. "Was worth it" he said excitedly, "he will give a few healing sessions to you". I was highly sceptical. Well yesterday was the appointed day for the trial one and a nervous me arrived at training expecting no results, how could he help if he never touched me? I met everyone, two were more senior and helped take the trainin



It works!

Thanks to everyone who wished me well. I'm so happy. This morning I got my special plate and on the way home said "yes" really loud and clear for the first time in 2 years. I used to resort to "yeah" as the "s" sound was so hit and miss, mostly miss! Not a magic wand instant cure but much louder, the doctor couldn't hear me before but can now. "S" sound is so easy now it's virtually effortless. Vast improvement. Oooh doing my speech exercises as I write, first time with the device, much louder,



New Speech Device

Well, exciting week. Tuesday I went to the hospital for a chat about this speech device to shut off my Soft Palette so air can't escape down my nose. My best description would be like dentures without teeth. The appointment went better than I dared hope. I thought this was just seeing if the device is appropriate but no. A lovely doctor warned me this wouldn't be a miracle cure but he would do all in his power to help me talk better. Next they took moulds, a trial device will be fitted next Tues



Things Going Bump In The Night

Firstly a very happy Easter everyone. No real progress in my recovery, no physio last week as I wasn't well, but things to tell. Saturday at 2am (Friday night) Ross was woken by running on my ramp and the security lamp lighting. Rather than the more sensible call 999 he investigated. Of course I lay there imagining knives and all sorts. He saw a young man in a white (clever villain, melts well into the dark!) hoodie in next door's garden and challenged him. Thankfully he just ran off. He'd alr



Showing Off!

So thrilled just had to show off! Since about Christmas I could raise myself to my rotator from my electric wheelchair or commode but my manual wheelchair is much lower so I needed help. Well today we went out in my manual wheelchair and on transferring after coming home I got half up on the rotator but felt sure there was more. So I sat back down, tried again and was determined to make it this time. I did make it, laughing with my victory as I straightened up. Small goal I set myself achieved.



Rain Rain Go Away

Grr grey and rainy again. I made national TV but 2 hours of filming turned into a minute long clip. Blink and you missed me! Oh well, an experience though and to be honest thought I might be cut altogether. Had a rubbish physio session but to be expected as I have a cold with a bad cough and feel rotten. My legs just weren't as strong as normal. What is after all a trivial illness seems to hit harder after stroke. Made up for the session by doing a good stand to transfer. Making a real effort



TV Star!

About time I entered this. Had an exciting weekend. UKers will have heard of Channel 4's Despatches, a national TV programme. They were 2 very pleasant women, here about 2 hours Sunday filming but it will be cut to a short piece. The uk government invested more recently in the National Health Service and the programme asks where that money went. I talked (on my pc and Ross kindly was my voice, we'd still be here now amid cries of "sorry didn't catch that, say it again" had I tried to talk!) abou



Letter To a Politician!

Had a week back home now, feels so strange. Was adjusting well then my follow up to rehab came through, 6 months away in June! Another patient I was in with left and had physio just 2 or 3 weeks later. Incensed it was so uneven I wrote to a local politician. "Sorry to trouble you but I need to bore you with my story. On 14th February 2005 at the age of 38 I had a devastating massive stroke which initially left me quadraplgic but since I regained the use of one side. On 6th June I was transferred



Home Again

Got home late afternoon yesterday english time. Have stood a few times just using my legs this week but from a high wheelchair or similar. Very very happy, standing myself from my wheelchair was a goal my private physio set. Ross offered help which I declined; my motto is try myself, try, try again then if hopelessly stuck get help. We won't improve by being lazy will we? Equally accepting help is not failure, merely a delayed success so I try not to be too downhearted if I do need help. Had a



1 More Week To Go...

Next week is my last of physio already, unless I calculated wrong. Not as expected though very worthwhile. To sum up, speech is improved and I will be referred for an artificial soft pallette. Remember I said it closes off the nose and mine doesn't work properly? My speech is very nasal as a result of air escaping down my nose. I've take a bed length walk with help, ya boo sucks to horrible first rehab who said I'd never leave my wheelchair, never accepted that verdict. They corrected my right a



Silent Night

Not much progress this week. Physio is concentrating on improving my transfer and progress as ever with stroke slow but sure. My leg cast was changed (I wear a plaster cast for a few weeks to help my ankle angle) and shows a marked improvement to my foot angle which will make standing easier. I stood myself from fairly high, which was a highlight, and perched high on a bed without the whinging which usually accompanies it as I feel so unsafe. The ward had a few new residents. One is lovely but



Escaped from Colditz Again

Got my new chair, mixed blessings there. It drives well though the mud I brought inside made me unpopular. The cleaners told me off, there was a trail of mud right down the ward! It is higher though, and when I sit I can't sit back as far. Where I sit myself down is where I stay at rehab (at home the carers re position me as I can't do that well yet) and sitting badly on the coccyx I broke several years ago is painful and getting me down. Wednesday it overwhelmed me and I did say but only 2 of a



New Neighbour

Monday a new lady moved in the bed next to me. We're in a mixed (male and female in 1 ward) ward of 7 beds. Turns out the poor lady is confused, at all hours she calls her grandson Charlie who seems to be schoolage. She told the nurses, who find her so sweet, that her kids are 12 and 14 so how 1 had Charlie I don't know! One grey haired man, who must be about 30s or 40s gets called Charlie and gets so embarrassed when she shouts out how lovely he looks! He did play along though to accept her pre



Bounty Chocolate Bar; a Real Taste of Paradise

Well I got back ok from week 1 of rehab. Things started extremely shakily, with me becoming overwhelmed; poor Ross left with a migraine starting. Was an uneventful journey with me very apprehensive about the coming weeks. It seemed my fears were confirmed on seeing just 3 half hour sessions of physio marked in for the week. As I remarked to Ross, hardly the promised intensive physio! As I do 20-30 minutes daily in a standing frame, 30 minutes minimum electrical stimulation of muscles daily and a



Preparations for Rehab

We went into town today and braved the Christmas shoppers. I needed a few bits for rehab such as a notebook, I taught myself to write left-handed last year. The notebook and a pen is a back up, I learnt last year that many nurses cannot use a letter board if they can't understand what I'm trying to say, I go too fast for them but not for Ross my husband! I guess he gets more practice, as he'd tell you I can still nag even by board if I need! My sister in law made me some flashcards by laminating



Back in Rehab Again

Much to report. Well I now have a wrinkle free right arm and right leg! I had botox in my right arm and leg yesterday. My foot turns down in which this seeks to correct. Makes standing a challenge. The right arm is tight to my body, the hand in a fist. I wear a brace most of the day to open my hand and this should help. Also, basic movement is there but can't overcome the strong tone. Next Monday I start intensive physio for around 4 weeks, means staying Monday to Friday though. It's an old hosp



Rehab again and more

I've had nothing to report in ages then several things, strange how life goes like that. Getting rather old or must be, was excited I got a new wheelchair recently! It's to replace the hard to push transit freebie on loan, with large wheels and a lowerable seat. I can push with my left hand and its low enough my left leg can help; my first attempts in rehab I had only my left hand pushing so went in circles! Must have looked funny but meant freedom as eventually you can get most things. Unfortun




The hoist man did turn up, take back all my black thoughts. Still stops for no apparent reason at times but no longer broken where it hit my pull bar on the bed. Both husband and carers have done that! A good physio session again, very good. We tried my wearing ankle brace and trainers to stop my right ankle buckling as it does. Much better, that's the way to go. Stopped my ankle turning over as it does. I spent a total of 45 minutes standing, around 5 individual stands. As I was stood so well



Good Physio Session

Success! My husband had a call back re the hoist. Now to see if they turn up Tuesday morning. Physio yesterday. Went well, rolling which I was pleasantly surprised by and then a stand where I stood unaided, raised my left hand, shifted weight to right and raised left heel! Even descents were mainly well controlled. Phew I can feel my legs getting stronger at last. Wondered some time ago if I could ever stand myself but now firmly believe I can again. Self doubt shouldn't creep in but does. So



Good Physio Session

Arrgghh not sure what I pressed but lost my entry! Physio went well yesterday. We did rolling practise, was pleasantly surprised how much I can do. Ended as usual with standing. Once standing I was not helped, raised left hand, shifted weight to right and raised heel. Even descents were mainly well controlled. Was a time I wondered if I'd ever stand again but now firmly believe I will. Self doubt shouldn't creep in but does fleetingly. Husband did get a call back re hoist now the cynical one d



Hoist Saga

I had a lovely day yesterday. My brother and sister went to mum's and there we all saw a cousin. There was much talk of the good old days, we stayed hours and were the last to leave. The only sad thing was seeing a recentish picture of dad. Made me realise he was missing though in a way he wasn't. Brings me round to something I've never admitted before. For a long while I assumed I was dying, because my bed reminded me of the electric bed dad had in his last few weeks. Stupid eh? Glad I got over



oh happy day

Post arrived and when I managed to open my letter (not easy one handed but chins come in handy!) I have an appointment for rehab assessment. It's not till October 16th and I had a useless rehab before. This I have good feelings about. I have no idea if I need to stay there, but that'd be worth it to get decent physio. The community physio backed my doctor up as expected when applying and said I've improved greatly (rehab where I went said I was "static and locked in" though at that stage my head



Que Cera, Whatever Will Be Will Be

Sounds silly but hearing yesterday some details of my illness had a profound effect. It was when I needed resuss and was found to have pneumonia. What I found a bit scarey was that had I crashed again doctors told family life support wouldn't be give to me at that point, my chances of living were far too slim and those valuable resources would go to people with a better chance. Sobering stuff. I feel very very lucky and grateful to be here yet also scared of getting pneumonia again. Oh well, que



Is That Wise?

Struck me today reading another message board just how lucky I am. The stroke could have affected my mobility and speech as it did (I have trouble forming words, never confuse them due to the stroke I did that before anyway lol) or heaven forbid my memory etc. At least this way my mind is as sharp as it ever was or wasn't! A poor woman posted and can't read, she needs help. I really would find that tough to deal with. Mobility I can live temporarily without, but being unable to post or blog? I c

