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First time in new boat



Lesley, the two dogs, and I all fit into the boat the other day, fished a bit, but mostly ran around just to get the feel of how to do things. The motor needs some work and the trailer must get rollers put on it to make the boat easier to launch and recover. Otherwise, all went well. Caught a few fish, Lesley caught the biggest, and the dogs were perfect. Just laid in the bottom and slept. Both got excited when a fish was caught. Cleaning the fish is now much more difficult and dangerous. I wear metal mesh gloves to prevent knife cuts. Much slower, and the fillets don't look as neat as they used to, but still taste good.


As earlier stated, I have finished therapies for now, have cut out the muscle relaxers and other meds where I can. I have come to the conclusion that my stroke was nowhere as severe as some on this board have experienced. Severe enough, mind you, quite disruptive of our lives, but I have regained enough to live somewhat the life I used to live.


I have worked hard to get where I am, but no harder and maybe even not as hard as many of you have. Fortunately, my results have been rewarding, some of you have worked harder than I and may have little to show for it. Words cannot express my sorrow for you. But for the Grace of God, and a few neurons more not dying, I could not write this.


I have done what I can to help on this blog, reported on therapies that I tried, even if they didn't help. I have offered encouragement and direction where I could. This blog has given me the opportunity to write some of the book I always wanted to write but never did. For this I am grateful. Some of the chapters inappropriate to this forum will probably never be written.


I fear now that some might think I am bragging, some might be envious or jealous, discouraged that their progress has not mirrored mine. I would never forgive myself if I found out that I have caused some to have those thoughts, or discouragement in any way because of something I wrote.


I have contributed what I feel I have to contribute. My blog would now just become a reporting on my daily life, probably not particularly interesting or useful to anyone else. Hopefully I have no more therapies, gadgets, or gizmo's to report on.


I will likely have very infrequent entries from now on. Thanks for reading.


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I find all blogs very interesting to read not because they suggest some therapy & gizmos, I love to read them becauaw In each one of them I see resilience of human spirit, power to succeed even when things are not perfect, if you are healthy and going to fishing is one thing and u r struck with stroke and still trying to go for fishing is whole different story, that's the strength of not giving up to any adversity.


so even if you write your life story, I know lot of people on this board will get motivated, I know I did.




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Hi George, I like reading the Blogs also, sometimes I reply, sometimes I dont. I think of them as inspiration to many. We all have stroke in common, but the damage and recovery is pretty unique to each person.


I think sometimes we may work harder on what is important to us, and a lot of recovery will depend on the areas and how bad the damage.


I think my stroke was much less severe than many here. And I have had decent recovery also. I still have "issues" lol but have learned to live with them and keep trying to improve.


We LOVE to hear of progress and what you "can" do it is not bragging, and gives us all a happy feeling for a "cyber family" member..:)


we love to hear of your fishing and wife and the dogs.


We are happy to hear of 'gizmo's and gadgets" but we are most happy to hear of a friend. :)

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George you have been an inspiration to many and the information you have given has been a good critique of what is available.


Don't worry about what people make of your writing style, we all write in our own way, that is what makes the blogs so fascinating. As for what people might think of you or whether or not you cause people to be jealous or envious, we are all envious at some time of others progress, comes with the territory.


There is nothing wrong with just blogging about what you do to fill your life post-stroke. We are struggle with the limitations and exalt in the things that do come back, or the things we are still able to do. I am so pleased when Ray and I have a day that is close to normal, close to what two sixty plus seniors would have been doing at this stage of life.


Keep in contact, keep us up with what Lesley and you are doing.



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Please reconsider your decision to pull away from the Stroke Network. We can use your encouragement and great outcomes from various therapies. Every person here has experienced the results of a brain attack in a different way.


Congratulations on progressing as well as you have. Your recovery is an inspiration, and I don't believe anyone here would ever feel resentment because you have been able to return to most of your previous responsibilities and pleasures. Quite the contrary, I think of your rehabilitation as hope for others.


As you have said, you can do most of those pre-stroke activities with adjustments. Those adjustments are important for others to hear about - since there are new members of the "club" who join or view our pages every day!!


Good luck to you and Leslie - and do keep coming back!!



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I've been absent for a couple of weeks and you are one of the reasons I am back. This board and the people in it help me - you especially. Next time I am blue I will not avoid the board because it just makes being blue worse with no one to talk to.


How is Tippy other than being perfect in the boat? Are you still laughing at the antics the two puppies get into?


Kind regards,


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