First time in new boat
Lesley, the two dogs, and I all fit into the boat the other day, fished a bit, but mostly ran around just to get the feel of how to do things. The motor needs some work and the trailer must get rollers put on it to make the boat easier to launch and recover. Otherwise, all went well. Caught a few fish, Lesley caught the biggest, and the dogs were perfect. Just laid in the bottom and slept. Both got excited when a fish was caught. Cleaning the fish is now much more difficult and dangerous. I wear metal mesh gloves to prevent knife cuts. Much slower, and the fillets don't look as neat as they used to, but still taste good.
As earlier stated, I have finished therapies for now, have cut out the muscle relaxers and other meds where I can. I have come to the conclusion that my stroke was nowhere as severe as some on this board have experienced. Severe enough, mind you, quite disruptive of our lives, but I have regained enough to live somewhat the life I used to live.
I have worked hard to get where I am, but no harder and maybe even not as hard as many of you have. Fortunately, my results have been rewarding, some of you have worked harder than I and may have little to show for it. Words cannot express my sorrow for you. But for the Grace of God, and a few neurons more not dying, I could not write this.
I have done what I can to help on this blog, reported on therapies that I tried, even if they didn't help. I have offered encouragement and direction where I could. This blog has given me the opportunity to write some of the book I always wanted to write but never did. For this I am grateful. Some of the chapters inappropriate to this forum will probably never be written.
I fear now that some might think I am bragging, some might be envious or jealous, discouraged that their progress has not mirrored mine. I would never forgive myself if I found out that I have caused some to have those thoughts, or discouragement in any way because of something I wrote.
I have contributed what I feel I have to contribute. My blog would now just become a reporting on my daily life, probably not particularly interesting or useful to anyone else. Hopefully I have no more therapies, gadgets, or gizmo's to report on.
I will likely have very infrequent entries from now on. Thanks for reading.
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