the bright side
Hello everyone, things have been better. Right now I do believe my gpa is still at a 4.0 so classes are really easy. I am getting better at walking even though I did get a bad bubble blister on my toe and i have a red spot on the side of my foot where my brace irritates it but after walking for so long i start to forget about the pain now. I have good news I am an aunt again. My oldest brother has a son now he was born on Wednesday. It made me feel good when my mom put the baby in my left arm because I could actually hold him (while sitting down). In the past couple days I have met a lot of new people (although i would not say i made new friends.) Its crazy though because when I am walking around campus people greet me by my first name and I don't even know who they are. I guess I am getting popular :laughbounce: I hang out around the dorm or in the lobby after classes to keep from being depressed sitting in my room all evening. Thursday I even ate breakfast lunch and dinner with 3 different people so you can say I am "networking". Today I went to OT and I have more good news. I got a brace for my wrist. I will start OT twice a week and after I wear this brace to straighten my wrist, I will receive another peice which will straighten my fingers also. At my next appointment, I also will be getting my shoulder taped. My occupational therapist said my scapula is sticking out and my muscles are very tight but she said the tape will put everything in place and get it straightend back out. I am just so thankful for my wrist brace right now. Today I wore shorts so my leg brace was shown as well as my new wrist bace but it really didn't bother me any. I have seen people in wheelchairs around campus and I even met a man like me who had a stroke so I am not alone. Atfirst it was kind of awkward with everyone staring at me trying to figure out what was wrong. With my braces on and comfortable workout clothes, you'd think I just got back from a chiropracrtor or something. Some people asked what happend, some just stared, and most were extra nice since this was their first time seeing my braces. but what mattered to me the most is that I felt comfortable. Not a lot of african american young ladies can sacrifice they're style to wear tennis shoes and sport a leg brace and wrist brace with confidence while coming in contact with so many curious strangers but I did it and I gave myself a pat on the back becuse it takes a lot to not only do what I did but to feel comfortable doing it! Well I am at home for the labor day weekend. I hope you all enjoyed my quick update. Time for bed. Thanks for the comments! I read them all!
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