im a social butterfly!
Wow its 12:30am and I still have work to do and a math test to study for so this entry will be short. I just wanted to say, first, I had another fall last week. I was trying to roll my roller bookbag out the door and the door closed pushing me into the hall way. I got up quick though. I was not hurt. But ever since, I have been carrying my loads of books on my back because rolling the bookbag seems more challenging believe it or not. Other than that, I have been good. I started occupational therapy and I have began exercising daily as well as wearing my brace and splint for different intervals of time. I am very determined to get my hand back in shape no matter how much pain I have to go through! I am sure it will be worth it in the end. I am doing great when it comes to my social life. Lastnight I stayed out until almost 1am just socializing with people who walk by. (I also have a date this Friday night.) :cheer: Saturday, I begin volunteering at the library which will count as my community service hours for the honors program. I am very excited because I told the faculty I will be volunteering with about my story and they really look up to me as an inspiration. Tomorrow I am going to read 2 of my poems at Open Mic. One is dedicated to my mom and one to my dad. I have really become very social. I almost always sit with a group of people at lunch and everywhere I go someone is saying hi to me (most of the time I don't even know who they are!). I found out there is an Individuals with Disabilities organization here and they actually hold a telvision program on a local channel here so I am very excited about joining. I hope I have time to get in contact with the advisor asap because he told me they meet on Thursdays and I would really like to attend the meeting! Its funny because before no one really noticed my arm but nw that I wear my brace all day, everyone ask what happend to my arm and I guess they thing I sprang my wrist or something so when I say oh I had a stroke, the expression on their face is so shocking! But I've gotten used to telling my story so I kind of enjoy when they ask what happend. Ok well got to go now bye!
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