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small success really add up!




It is October 24 and we are having another rainy day. boy do we need it! Worst drought in reccorded history. meanwhile out in california, fires are raging in orange county.


my big news is that last saturday, Ocxtober 13, I noticed a huge bit of progress. without leaning on a wall or sitting down, I managed to lift my affected leg up in the air and pull on my underwear! I didn't fall over. That is huge for me, that same week, I read for an hour one evening without stopping or getting bored. Haven't done that since before the stroke. Of course it is a non fiction book so maybe that helps. Also I've been searching to understand what good could come out of me having a stroke. I had decided that if I can help one or two people deal with difficult situations in their lives then it is worth the pain. and today, I received two e-mails from strangers whose parents I have encouraged on line. they were thanking me for taking the time to reach out. boy did it feel good to receive some affirmation that my time spent on the computer is worth it, it is helping someone. and I believe that is what God wants me to do. It does make it easier to take the fact that my entire life stopped and a new one had to begin but I try to see that as a blessing now. I am financially able to stay at home and volunteer as much as I want and rest as much as I want.

this monday we are leaving to drive to asheville, NC to meet up with a few other stroke survivors I have met on-line. I can't wait. Just to get in the car and drive away from here! Got to get busy and sweep the floor and do some laundry.

I'll check in after we get back on November 4.


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How cool to be able to lift your leg! It may be a small step but it will get you going onward to healing. Who knows how far you can go????? Take Care. LK
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hey tascha:


congrats on your small victory, its small step for maybe but will add up as giant step on being more independent. I too love being at home and enjoy life by doing things which makes a difference in people's lifes and mine 2.




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Congrats on your accomplishment! You Go Girl!! That's great too reaching out and helping others in need. It's a super feeling and does make one feel useful once again.

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cathy, woo hoo girlfriend, that is great news. every thing you are able to do is call for a great celebration. keep up the good job and have fun on your trip. you deserve it.

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