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"I Love Life"



About a week ago as I was laying in bed ready to go to sleep for the night and I heard these words from my heart "I love life". I don't think I'm crazy, but my response was excuse me? "I love life". Ummm, What? "I love life". Who are you talking to? "I love life".


So here I am having a one sided conversation in my mind because all I was hearing back was, "I love life". I tried to make excuses, you must me talking to someone else, "I love life". No, I used to love life, "I love life".......no matter what i said back the three words was the response. So I stopped arguing and thought about it.


It seemed so foreign and distant that I would speak or even have a thought of those words. The next morning I woke up and yep the first thing that popped into my head was "I love life". So I thought, well there is only one thing to do. So I started saying them out loud, "I love life". I kept saying it over and over, not just that day but any time I would think of it.


Needless to say I started to feel the meaning of "I love life" and I felt stronger too. Why not love life. I think I had forgotten about that part of who I was before the stroke. Loving life and living to the fullest, most of the time anyway.


I just wanted to write this here so I won't forget it and come back and read it if I need to. I hope no one thinks I'm wacked but hey, it's helped a lot and I'm on my way to loving life again. smile.gif

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I was 'moved' by your Blog. Yes, life is a good thing to love. And I 'marvel' at your initial response to when you 'heard it -- "I Love Life"'.


I 'know' where it came from, and I know the Author who 'planted it' in your thoughts. It WAS God. Don't take me the wrong way, I'm not getting 'religious' on you. I just know from personal experience, that God 'speaks' to me, when I am 'down-on-myself'.


The important thing IS that when you started to say 'I Love Life', at different times, or when it came to mind, you 'felt' a whole lot better, like , yes I had a stroke, but I ain't giving up hope. I can do things in spite of my circumstances. Cindy, you know what I'm trying to say.


Thanks for sharing this, and here flowers.gif , these are for you.




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