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dessert island



i haven't misspelled desert island. i'm naming mine DESSERT, because after i thought about it, many of the people i have chosen to be stranded with have to do with food, the obtaining of it, and the preparing it.



THE SUBJECT: if i went on a "three hour tour" with some friends from strokenet and got stranded like gilligan, who would i chose and why? i gave it a lot of thought and while there were MANY people i'd chose, i narrowed it down to a few. here they are and why


CINDER: because ANYONE who can mow 4 acres of land with a broken down lawn mower must be physically strong enough to hack down trees and build a raft to get us off of the island and to civilization in time for dinner


ROD:(williams) even though he hasn't said it, something tells me that he could grow an herb garden which we could use to season our food. also, he is interesting enough to make the days go by faster


CHEFDENNY: he could prepare ANYTHING we were able to hunt up or grow for food and make the most MUNDANE food better. he proabably has a recipe for coconuts and pineapples


JANICE:(jstern) even though she turned her bait into a swimming pet the last time, she has had a chance to learn from her mistakes and MAY be able to catch some fish for us to eat. also, she is SO funny, she could liven up the most boring days with her wit


VICKI:(vmoran) she is very resourceful and has a green thumb with flower gardens. even though she hates veggies, i bet we could GENTLY persuade her to find a way to grow a vegetable garden too.


CHARLES:(cbramsey) because he is VERY intelligent and is a genius with electronics, maybe he could find a way to turn a simple radio into a two way device and call for help or at least order us in a pizza. ALSO, he is a dedicated cat lover and should there be any wild cats on the island, he could turn them into pets rather than enemies.


HOSTSTEPHEN: he used to be in the military and i am sure is trained on how to "hunt and kill", which would come in handy with capturing wild boar, for those of us who won't eat vicki's veggies.


HOSTPAM: she has enough burning energy and willpower in her that she wouldn't let any of us give up. she could keep the morale up, even if it took a stick. which would in turn, speed up us gathering, growing or catching our dinner.


STEVE MALLORY: with his superior intellect, he could mastermind an escape plan while we were all scrounging around gathering food.


MICHAEL(greyhe) anyone who can survive 95 degree weather without an air conditioner cold serve MANY purposes on the island. also, since he is a locksmith, if we locked ourselves out of or IN our huts, he could get is back in them OR out OF THEM IN TIME FOR DINNER.


BIL: because of his never ending positive attitude, he would keep everyone's spirits up and give them the energy they needed to KEEP LOOKING FOR FOOD


JEAN( jriva): because "children" of all ages need a mom around to tell us what to do. and if any of us "children" get out of line or refuse to do our share gathering our food, JEAN has the abilty to set them straight!


PERRY: because he could write a book about the whole experience afterwards and turn it into a best seller and make all of us famous. he could even include a survivor's recipe booklet in the back, with chefdenny's help.



i am SURE that any member of this site would make a good dessert island roomate for various reasons. i didn't mean to leave anyone out. these are just the first one's who came to my mind AND, it's time for my LUNCH and i have got to stop writing somewhere!!!!! pash.gif






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biggrin.gif Kim - For you I'd even grow okra - of course, I don't think anyone who's not from the south knows what okra is! It's a very odd vegtable, but then again, it fits in with the very odd assortment of castaways that we'd all be.


Point me in the direction of the island - the one place where I can go barefoot without apologizing!


PS - even if Janice can't catch fish - she's a genius when it comes to avoiding poison ivy! Make sure she brings the plastic garbage bags! - lol

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I have permission to carry a big stick and use it too! My Fantasy Island, with food, gatherers and chocolate.Forget the vegetables though, who needs them?


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dry.gif That says it all Pam - YOU don't get any okra! Don't come to me when you run out of chocolate Home Girl - lol
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So what i am gathering from this entry is I kind of a mixture of the Professor and McGuiver. Is that what I am hearing here????




Count me in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11



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I will grow the best anti-seizure plants known to man and woman. I will also bring a portable DVD, CD player that operates off solar cells and a storage device so that we can listen to some really good music after the sun goes down. Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band will be the first album I play.

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If I Cook it, They Will Come lol_2.gif


Kimberly, I think that would be an excellant 'gathering'. We could even get NBC to make it into a 'Reality' Show. The Stroke 'Survivors' who followed Gilligan to a 'lost island' that became 'Fantasy Island'.


Yes, I'll bring my 'wild game' cookbooks, my 'portable' kitchen, and I will bring my FAVORITE kitchen magnet. " Tonight's Menu: Choice of two - Take it or Leave it". However, if I do the cooking, I AIN'T doing the dishes.


Kimberly, what time are we 'meeting' at the docks? I can hear the skipper now "All aboard, have your tickets ready.' OOPS, that's a conductor.


It will be fun. Count me in Kimberly. I can make anything 'taste like chicken'.


Chef Denny

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I can use my trusty mower to cut paths to the banana trees and even hook it up to run the AC for Michael. If McGyver/Charles knows how that is. I did notice, however, that everyone else is growing veggies or raising moral while I, a lowly peon, am "hacking" the brush.


Not even stranded yet and dissension begins. Bet I get voted off first...

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well, i can tell from my fellow island roomates' comments that i chose PRETTY well!. you guys have thought of things that i didn't. i realized though, that i didn't give MYSELF a role. i think that i will help cinder with the tree hacking and the raft building. afterall, that is a VERY important job, i think. that way we "peons" can stick together!!!!! lol


also, i wouldn't mind assisting rod with his "anti seizure" herbs. i like chefdenny's reality show idea too. and HOW COULD I FORGET THE CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!! shame on me. and all of you who make fun of okra, are missing out!!!! oh and rod, bring some moody blues music and some three dog night, while you are packing that bag!!!!


you guys are FAR OUT!!!!!




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