Broken hearted and alone
My family went out to celebrate my step dtrs boyfrieds birthday. They all live in my wife and I s house. This morn it was a home but to night its just a house. Im broken hearted Im forgotten. again. I wigged out at my wife I got in my truck and left I was stupid I drove fine but came home if anything happened sahed suffer, but I told her before how it hurt me. I give up. Not once since I had the stroke has my wife told me shes glad I made it. Not once did she go to give me a hug and a kiss I always have to go for it. I love her dearly but it hurt I noticed it since I had the stroke since the day I got home. I get nasty but this is why I felt like I lost my wife and just have a nurse. and its killing me Id wish Id die if it would make her happy Ill keep working if that does. I just want to feel like a man. I dont now its its killing me sucking I life out of me day by day little by little. Im so upset I m gonna sleep down stairs but Im not sure shell care. Dont get me worng she does everything for me but show she wants affection I love her more then she could know. Im lost. I feel like I dont have a family and I love them.
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