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Guess what?



I did it! I passed the road test today! I have also been driving myself home from work everyday at rush hour taking the freeway. I have become really good at driving. It really helps not having my dad constantly yelling at me anymore but it is still tons of pressure driving his 2007 envoy. Now all I have to do is get my docs to complete the medical report and pray that the DMV lets me get my license. I can't really celebrate yet. Last year my docs completed the medical form and the DMV denied me which is why I had to drive there and have a hearing. I know for a fact my primary physician does not want me to drive so I have a feeling he is the main reason I got denied. Now Im trying to figure out how I can get the cool docs (who actualy know I am capable of driving) to fill out majority of the paperwork. Since I have been driving for a year and no wrecks and I passed both written and road test, I do not see why I should get denied of a license again.

Other than driving, I have still been working. My last day is Friday. I am supposed to move back on campus on Monday for the orientation leaders but I dont think Im going to do it. I already have an appointment with the brace maker for a new AFO and the pain management doc on move in day. I really did want to be an orientation leader but at the same time I have these doctors I need to try to see before school starts back. The orientation instructor said I could be excused for the appointments but at the same time I dont want to be overdoing it, I havent told my dad yet, I need to get in more practice driving, I need somewhat of a break, and all of my sorority sisters dropped out of the orientation leadership so I possibly wont know a lot of people there. In addition to that, my boyfriend is moving 2 and a half hours away for college the day after I start classes and if I am an orientation leader I will have no time to spend with hm before he leaves. I think I should just spend the next two weeks to take a break.

Well I think that is about it for now. I will probably make another entry after I see the pain management doc.

Thankseveryone for all your love and suppot


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Whoohoo....that is some of the best news I have heard in a long time. I am keeping my fingers crossed the DMV will not deny your license. You have come so far and are such an example to others. Keep us posted, please.

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Way to go girl. You have taken another large step in your recovery and independence. I was thrilled and grateful when I started driving. It's somewhat hard to manuever in and out of the car but for small store I manage with a cane and then push a shopping cart. As far as other problems you are experiencing, it may not be the right time now even if you think it is. I let God be my guide and sometimes he says "wait" and sometimes he says "no" or "not yet". Your whole life is ahead of you. I didn't stroke until I was 62 and I so admire all you have done with a disability. You are a strong, courageous and determined beautiful young woman. It is great to see you grow. Leah

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Best of luck to you with the DMV. Congrats to you on passing the road test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel too you will be a licensed driver very very soon.


Hope you can spend quality time with your boyfriend before he leaves for college.



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