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Finally Got a Break



Hello everyone,

This has been a very busy month. I will start by saying I finished work on August 7th. I was so sad to leave. My co-workers showered me with gifts, plaques, and certificates. I felt really appreciated but sad that I had to leave such a great group of caring people who did not judge me because of my disability. The following Monday I moved back on campus and was an orientation leader for 2 weeks altogether 121 hours. I was so exhausted because I was working with the freshmen all the way until class started. Ever since class started I have been super busy even on days I dont have class. I had 4 test just this week and it has been very hectic trying to get everything straightened out for the 4 clubs I hold offices in. Pretty soon I will be starting on research with my professors to fulfill my Honors requirement. Atleast I got my community service requirement out of the way though. Besdes falling at the pep rally as some of you all remember from my post, I have been pretty good for the most part. I have a lot of fun hanging out with my sority sisters and fraternity brothers. The cafeteria took trays away so it helps to always have a table of people to sit with at lunch because someone always helps me carry my trash to the garbage. My boyfriend is in college now about 2 hours away so we are taking a break from our relationship after 8 months but it gives us both time to study more. I have not had time to practice driving but my neurologist is filling out my papers now and I have to have them back to the Medical Review Board by the 17th. My pain management doctor decided not to put me on botox and OT this time around but he did get me a new splint for my hand. It is called comfy splint. It has this terrycloth material on it so it doesnt hurt but it is very hard to put it on by myself so I do not wear it much. Well I have to get ready to go to the football game and do community service with my sorority but thanks everyone for your support and concern. I shall enjoy the rest of my labor day weekend :)


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Thank you for the update dear girl...was wondering how you were doing. You are definitely keeping busy and it's a happy kind of busy too.


Will keep my fingers crossed that you get your paperwork to the medical review board and approved without a glitch this time.


Here's to a great Labor Day weekend for you.

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Happy things are doing so well for you. You sound like you have a full plate. Be careful not to over do. OK? Enjoy this phase in your life, it will fly by. Enjoy and keep us posted how things are going.

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hey Katrina:


I am always so happy to read your blogs. not only you inspire me but my family too. I always talk about you to my son & hubby & alog with me they are also very proud of you.




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