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So here we are again



Life has so many crazy curves it's a little like the , for those that remember, Wild Mouse roller coaster, not fast, but really threw you around. No sooner do we get adjusted to the way things are and along comes some wild jerky curve. Maybe we are all given some burden to carry, but I am trying to get a different slant on life and look at it as instead of burdens but opprotunities to do something to make life a little better. This blog rambles on in so many different directions, it's sometimes hard to follow and I'm writing it. I have always been one of those that knows we all have a dark scary place in our heads, but we do our best to steer away from it. Surviving a stroke, especially the really bad ones is a little like getting locked inside your own head. Even if you can still talk, you can't relate what you are feeling. That empty hollow feeling deep in your gut. The really tough part is being in there feeling like nobody knows what you are feeling, except another survivor. I think regardless of the scope of anyone's stroke, survivors all have an inkling what others here are feeling. This site has been most therapeutic for me. I have been touched so deeply by so many folks here. I would like to say I am not, but I am still angry I stroked, like I could have prevented it. I was blessed it was so light duty I thought I had no right to be angry knowing how much worse it could have been. Still strokes leave you an empty place that you cannot fill. It's there and you just have to get used to a new you. I pray every stroke victim becomes a survivor and finds there way here.I've come to realize the more I share my ideas of where I am now, the better I feel. I didn't have a support group until I came here. I spent over two years coping as best as I could alone. Even though my stroke was mild, so mild I did not want to confront that I even had one, it left scars in my soul. I can't imagine how tough it was or is for many of you folks. Yet you continue the good fight, and improve daily. Keep it up, I MEAN IT!!! DON'T MAKE ME COME OVER THERE !!!!! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -My older daughter came up with nicknames for each member of her immediate family. I am Leppy, short for leprechaun, she is mini leppy, since she is a younger version of me. When she first started calling me that, I was not pleased, sounded, short bus, dim witted. It has grown on me and I find it kind of cute so I shall use it. That being said, Leppy out


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Hey Leppy, ya got a sec?


you do a great job expressing yourself and i, for one, very much appreciate your emotional honesty.

i assure you michael, you are not alone in what you shared in this entry. i firmly believe that regardless of the degree of deficit or disablility, stroke leaves all who are touched by it with a struggle in the soul.

keep up the good blawggin, friend. :thumbs up:



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hey leppy:


well said blog. for a moment it felt like you were writing thoughts in my head. I have personally found writing positive jurney of my life very therupetic. It has made me aware abudant joys still present in my life. I think emotional roller coaster is same after stroke no matter degree of deficits. I am so hapy you joined our blogworld.



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