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Spring Break..Survivors...Pedicures..School..Parties



Right now I am not happy. I am not sad. I just wanted someone to talk to so I decided to blog. Right now I am on Spring break. My dad is supposed to be taking me out of town for a vacation this weekend but until then I will be working on papers. My youngest brother had his first son about a month ago. I became an aunt for the 6th time. It sounds cute but I just want the baby to stop crying every night and waking me up every morning with his loud screams! Needless to say, this "spring break" has not been relaxing at all. Even if I finish 5 papers this week, I still have 5 more papers to do before the end of the semester. But on the bright side, I will be graduating in December (a whole semester early.) Besides being swamped with work and coordinating educational programs for students on campus, I have just been hanging in there.

I did community service about a month ago at a Veterans Rest home. I met a man who had a stroke. I shared my story with him. He told me I was too young and pretty to have a stroke. Then he said he used to think he was too rough and tough to have a stroke. I wish I could go visit him again. Even though he was much older than me, it still felt good to be face to face with someone who could only use their right hand also. I enjoyed helping him play bingo. It was actually therapeutic for me also by making me scan the cards where my left field vision did not register.

I also hung out with a friend from school. He had one leg amputated but now he has a prosthetic so he can walk. I like hanging out with him. It feels good to be able to make handicap jokes with each other without either one of us feeling offended. He reminds me how lucky we are to have a gift that other people dont, how special and strong we are to have been through what we experienced.

I got a pedicure today. I like pedicures. They make me feel normal. I cant wear heels or most sandals or get my nails done but I can get pedicures :) Not only do they make my feet feel better but they make me feel cool in some kind of way.

Over the weekend I went out of town with my sorority sisters to a party. Even though I dont listen to rap music and I dont dance, it still made me feel kind of cool to be at the party. One of the girls there even grabbed both of my hands and danced with me. It felt so great. I would have never danced by myself. It was something about her grabbing BOTH of my hands in the air that made me feel like I didnt look so bad dancing after all. Thank God I was able to walk around the dark gym and through the big crowds without tripping and falling. Hanging out with the big girls definitely made me feel good. It was better than spending the night alone in my apartment wishing I could do what everybody else could. For once I experienced what it felt like to be a college student out on a friday night :) Dont worry aunties I did not engage in the smoking, drinking, or promiscuity.

Well I am going to get ready for bed now. I have to finish these papers tomorrow. Hopefully my dad will take me on a vacation this weekend and hopefully it will be worth it because Monday I have 4 classes, physical therapy, and a dentist appointment, among other things.




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I got many soldiers, male & female, here at Ft. Hood back from the war zones with missing limbs, hands, legs and fingers. They tell me I'm lucky, I still got mine, they can't get theirs back.


You like me, just have to use ours as much and often as we can. If we don't we loose out on using our left sides. The care provider takes care of my fingers and toes, I don't see why you can't get your fingernails done but you get your toenails done. What's the difference, tell me!


Good luck on your papers!

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hey Katrina:


we are always here whenever you want to chat with us. you can come join us in chatroom also in the afternoon from 3-4 & 8-9 in the night EST. I am glad you just had fun at your friday night party & didn't get into any hanky panky. I think you should go and dance every friday, trust me nobody is looking at you, it does not matter what others think about how you dance, what matters that you are having fun. BTW babies do grow out of that phase. raising kids is hardest job, and every stage brings different challenges , but good thing is they grow out of it. I wish you fun filled vacation with your dad.



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You started your blog out that you were sad but by the time you finished your blog I seen you

smiling for having a great week. Have fun on your vacation with your father.


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