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Summer is flying by



Well here we are with summer over half gone, just flying by. So much news in our lives. Lesley is now fully retired, and we are both finding life pretty busy. Fishing has been very good for me this summer, the freezer is full for the winter. Lesley has a garden that is the envy of all who see it. This spring I added 4 raised beds about 2 feet high and 10 feet long. I also put soaker hoses in all the beds and put a timer on the whole thing along with a fence to keep the deer out. I have no idea what all we have growing but I know it is good! It looks like a jungle. Lesley is perpetual motion, and now that she is retired she is into ever more things. She just completed a three day trip into the Boundary Waters Canoe Area with a girl friend. They tent camped and carried all their gear and paddled thru 4 lakes, all alone. The other gal was in her thirties, but Lesley apparently carried her share. They got back just in time to participate in canoe races up here and finished 3rd in one. Not bad for a 60 year old racing against 30 year olds! She has also picked up a friend who plays the mountain Dulcimer, and now that Lesley has the time and a friend to play with, they get together a couple times each month. I just go fishing.


Today we are going to buy a van type camper so we can travel some in the winter and camp up here some in luxury. We are still doing the pizza parties with our outdoor oven and baking bread.


I have been treated by the VA recently and must say I am most happy with the results. They gave me a fancy tens electric stim unit, and it has restored most om my left arm deficit, I can now do things that I have not done since my stroke. Medically I have nothing much to complain about. This gizmo has pretty much cleared up the left shoulder pain I was griping about previously, so I can plan on finishing the ceiling in the basement this winter.


Well, my coffee cup is empty, so off I must go.


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Life sounds great.


Glad to hear you are enjoying it with much to keep you busy as always and look forward to.



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glad to hear your summer report. life seems to going great for you & your life canoe has found even keel.



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Good for you George, that is good news about the VA. I too am happy, they approved my 100% but I haven't got a penny yet. I go to the board next month to get it straight, I hope!!


Enjoy the rest of the summer weather! It's hot here in Texas and about everywhere I see on TV.

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