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UTI confirmed.



Took mom to the doctors today. I was right. She has another U.T.I and a sinus infection. The UTI, however, I don't believe we got rid of in the first place. I think she has had the same one not stop since we brought her home in the first place. So hopefully this time we can get rid of it all the way. I insisted on Cipro for 10 days this time and the doctor agreed. Hopefully her immune system isn't worn out by all the antibiotics shes been given in the past two months.

I'm also going to increase the cranberry juice to 16 oz. per day, spread out through the day of course. Doctor also wants me to double her water and yogurt intake per day. She is hopping that it may help purge moms system of toxins. I have also increased vitamin c to 1000 mg per day.


I just want the infections and everything under control, so we can concentrate more on her PT. She doesn't feel good a lot with these infections and I worry that we are not get her active enough. We had her up today, but she felt horrible all day. She wanted to go back to bed five minutes after we had her up. And let me tell you, getting her up is not easy. There is a lot involved and it takes about two hours all together to get her ready to go out.


She is still scheduled for her PEG tube though. Doctor says it needs to be done no matter what cause the NG tube needs to come out. Will keep you informed on how everything goes and update my blogs as I learn about how the PEG works and how to care for it.

Ya'll have a good night. I'm putting mom to bed and crashing myself. Thanks for reading my blog and thank you for all the comments.

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Beth, a UTI takes so much out of you even when you are otherwise healthy so I can imagine the havoc it is playing with your mom's body right now. It will be better once the infections are under control for sure.


You are taking such good care of your mom and that is admirable, do remember to look after yourself too.



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