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RIP little brother



Some of you know my little brother was in a coma in hospital since thursday morning when he collapsed at his home. He was fighting pneumonia and thursday morning he fell in his bathroom at home. By that time he had a blood clot in his lung which caused a heart attack. He was only 54 and the youngest of 3 children. It is not fair that he went first. Please pray for his wife and my parents who have suffered a great loss. My brother and his wife had no children. It is a sad sad thing that she will be returning home alone when she leaves the hospital. She is so lost without him.

My biggest regret is that I never had the chance to set things right between us before he left this world. I had not spoken to my brother in five years.


Please if you are estranged from a member of your family or friend, make things right before its too late. Dont wait, life is too short.


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I am so sorry to hear about your brother. I know how you must feel but you can maybe be a source of comfort to his wife. Unfortunately, family disagreements happen and you had no way of knowing this would happen before you could make amends. I pray for you and your family.


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I am so sorry to hear about your loss. you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Life is short, hope you will be able to give your sisterin-law support in this difficult period of her life.



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I understand what you are saying and I can imagine how you feel inside! Just try to console his wife if possible since there is no kids.


My prayers will be with his wife and for you!

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I'm very sorry for your loss MC, just hearing of this will make us all pay more attention to how fragile life can be, and to live each day the best we possibly can.

Prayers of Peace to you, Mike

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Thank you everyone for your replies and support. I really appreciate it. As hard as it is to lose a brother, my parents lost a son and Nicole lost her husband who was her whole life. I will give them all your wishes and let them know they are not alone because StrokeNet is here for us. Thank you All and Happy New Year to all.



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I am extremely moved by your loss and I will hold you, your parents and your sister-in-law, in prayer. There will be rough times ahead, many things will cause memories to come 'flooding back', but rest in the comfort that God knows your feelings and regrets, in this time of loss. He is close to you, if you allow Him to be.


Yes, we do let 'issues' come between relatives and sometimes the 'pain' is easier to suppress than they are to face.


MC, know that I, and the entire StrokeNet 'family' is there for you. If you need anything, or just want to chat, please PM me, PLEASE.



Host Denny

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MC: I am so sorry for your loss. Take care the next few days and be sensitive to your sister-in-law and of course, your Mom. Please know that you are in my prayers. Debbie

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I am so sorry for you loss. I do not about those estrangements. We really do not have alot of control over that situation. I will keep you and family in prayer.


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I am so sorry for your loss Marie. Please know you have my sincerest condolences and you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.



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Marie: I am SO sorry for your loss. My father died 40 years ago today. It was much different because he was in death was expected due to illness and I was only 27. Time and memories do help but you will never forget. We are not meant to. 5 years ago my mom died and between that and my stroke I've leared a lot about grieving. Most important there is no right way to grieve or length of time. You can still make amends to your brother in the form of a letter which you save in a special place or burn. Your words were absolutely right...never go to bed feeling you need to set something right with someone. I can honestly say when I came out of my coma, that is one thing I thought of...I did not owe an amends discussion of things gone wrong to anyone. I made amends to my dad After he passed and it worked. God listens anywhere and anytime.

Bless you. Your brother is now with the angels. I'll be glad to meet mine one day

Hugs, Leah

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