Questions regarding recent stroke 2 wks ago

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:( Chuck -

First, sorry for your stroke - Mine was in 1985 at age 39 :Tantrum: , and I never stuttered, but my speech was lightly affected where when talking to me, one could tell -

Pray, Chuck & stay close to your doctors. There is alot of P. T. out there to help you overcome your stuttering -

GOOD LUCK :Clap-Hands:


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I was doing some research after reading your latest post. Have you seen this:


I saw this on the national stroke association site:


Keep us posted as you hopefully get to the "Bottom" of what you're experiencing.

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Hi Chuck,


The brain is a incredible machine that is still not completely understood. I am incredibly excited for you, if you are only temporarily affected versus permanent. I do know that stress is the body's worst enemy and also that amnesia is one of the brains ways of shutting down to heal so anything is possible.


I am very interested in what your GP says so please post after seeing the Doctor.


From a positive side you will have new insight gained, if you return to your previous self, things that others just cannot concieve.


I am cheering for you that it was only stress and that you can and will get better. On the flip side you have gone through a lot of stress just trying to believe how dramatically stroke can affect someone - now that's stress so how is that helping the brain?


Please post once you have more from the GP.


Kind regards,


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Chuck...

I am two-time stroke survivor...(first time 5/16/01; which was also my wedding anniversary)...had left-sided stroke, then grand mal seizure...then they brought me back..(that's another story) (but only treated me as a seizure patient)...On 5/11/07 (the eve of seeing my oldest son graduate from college), had another stroke, followed by more seizures (and again, only treated for seizures - as I couldn't tell them I had had a stroke first)...and CT scan that they took was "negative"...have seen articles saying CT unreliable (sometimes things don't show up right away).


I am somewhat upset, as both times, people I was with at the time did not recognize stroke symptoms...(they thought I was mad because I didn't talk). Oh, boy...


Now, from the first stroke (had whole raft stroke related probs and anomic aphasia, short-term memory loss, right-side paralyzed but over 6 years (and much therapy) turned into right-sided weakness and able to walk with cane)...but now have acquired Broca's aphasia) thinking, whoever said Silence is Golden (must not have ever had aphasia).


True, what suggestions other have had...get to good Neuro...insist that "you" know what happened to "you"...I swear if they don't see it in front of them, it is very hard to convince people otherwise.

I also "know" that I can drive, drove "40" miles after stroke before seizures...but now have to "wait" to be cleared.


I am also one of those people who hears "you look okay" all the time...(not that I don't want to look okay, but it drives me nutz...especially as I have so many things that are not visible to others).


Keep a positive attitude. Stay out of the "dumps" if you can:) And always come for support when you need it!





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I am so sorry to meet you under this circumstances, but anyhow welcome to this great site as Donna mentioned to you blogging on these site is very therupetic, it gave me huge peace and filled void my stroke had created in my techincal life , I too stroked at 34 , 3 years ago, but mine affected me physically, I was lefy paralysed on my left side though my speech and cognative r still intact, but I could not go back to my software engineering work which was too demanding for me, and after my strok I realized some other important things in life and I am enjoying my newlife little diffeently noadays. for me blogging was big key on accepting newme.


you can find more info on blogging in blog community forum there is help section there.



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