
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by lliu

  1. lliu

    Happy Anniversary lliu!

  2. lliu

    Happy Anniversary lliu!

  3. lliu

    Happy Anniversary lliu!

  4. lliu

    new addition to my life

    coco the kitty
  5. lliu

    coco and the mouse

    From the album: new addition to my life

    coco making herself comfortable with the mouse on my desk!
  6. From the album: new addition to my life

    i saw coco at the humane society. she's a beauty! coco was a birthday gift from my brother
  7. lliu

    look mom new shoes

    mcd, thank you for this great entry to your blog! you definitely have proven that recovery doesn't stop. recovery stops only if we stop. as long as we persevere and work hard, we will get stronger. stroke has taken a lot from most survivors here, but it's stories like yours that serve as an inspiration to others. my stroke was 21 months ago and i am determined to get out of my brace no matter how long it takes. it's great to see that recovery does happen and it is possible.
  8. it's impossible to know for sure if these changes will be permanent or if they will intensify or diminish. stroke is a traumatic injury to our nerological system. i found out from others here that it'is important to understand and accept our own limitations. allow an appropriate time for recovery. we need to be patient with ourselves, but keep our minds active. self-worth, confidence and enjoyment of life will gradually return. it may be helpful if you read these articles that will help you and others to understand more about the emotional challenges stroke survivors have to deal with --- http://www.strokeassociation.org/presenter...ntifier=3027431 <a href="http://members.aol.com/matherbw/SRAWeb/7EmoBehav.html" target="_blank">http://members.aol.com/matherbw/SRAWeb/7EmoBehav.html</a>
  9. lliu

    Family or Foe?

    tink (sharon), there isn't much more i can add except to let you know i'm sorry your family doesn't realize that their hurtful actions have an effect. when you married your husband and made the vows, it was a lifetime commitment to your marriage; and that cannot be shaken. the things you expressed says a lot about the kind of woman you are. you're a survivor in a different sense, and we're here to offer all the support you need!
  10. thank you for the update and the pics of kyle! it's nice to know he's settling in and working on recovery. I commend you for reaching out and offering support to others who have been affected by stroke!
  11. lliu


    rob, have a great time in vegas! i used to get there every year and just had a blast! enjoy yourself, take in the excitment and be safe!
  12. hi sue, welcome home! glad to see you had a great time with family and have special memories to last a long time for both you and ray! i'm sure there are things to do at home, but as you said, one day at a time.
  13. gary, the news of kyle's progress is wonderful! thank you for bringing us the updates of his recovery! he's a fighter!
  14. happy birthday, katrina!! from your description, you celebrated a special day with the people who are special you -- and that's how it should be! be happy and live all the days of your life the best possible way you can!
  15. pjoy, again, my deepest condolences go out to you and your son for the loss of seth. everyone grieves in their own way and in their own time. each individual needs to go thru their own grief process so whatever is right or necessary for you will be different for someone else. the grief of a widow with young children will be different from that of a childless widow, or an elderly widow. a woman with young children must cope with her child's confusion and grief as well as her own, and that comes on top of the stress of suddenly becoming a single parent. you might benefit from discussing your feelings with a medical professional or joining a bereavement support group. please take care of your son and yourself as you deal with a most difficult time and always know that we are here for you.
  16. lliu

    wow what now

    sherry, i really hope you get some relief soon. i hope your doctor or a neurologist will be able to provide helpful solutions to alleviate the pain and focus on how to deal with where the pain is coming from.
  17. katrina, anything worthwhile takes time. i wish you luck with the issue of your driver's license. it's nice of the ladies and your boyfriend to help in making your birthday special! remember to count your blessings. hope you find some relief with your headaches!
  18. lliu

    multi-cultural events in hawaii

    photos of the king kamehameha day floral parade, pan-pacific matsuri festival and a traditional indian wedding! this was all in a matter of one weekend!
  19. From the album: multi-cultural events in hawaii

    one of the japanese taiko drummers in the pan-pacific matsuri festival preparing to march down waikiki
  20. From the album: multi-cultural events in hawaii

    female pa'u rider representing the island of oahu