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A lot of B.S.

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things are looking up

I walk solely on the quadcane now. not too much in public places as I am very slow.I walk in and out of the rehab facility on M,W,F and around the house all the time. I feel more confident and I am starting to feel more like my old self. It's about time. I have more happy than sad days now. Finally! I am looking forward to a trip home to Baltimore in June. I will get to see my niece dance in person for the first time in 2 years.I am sooo excited. I have missed my family terribly. Life is getting



just put one foot in front of the other

Today at therapy I sorta graduated, I have been staying home alone during the day since Oct. But using my wheelchair to get around.Today my PT said, it's time for you to start walking. So now I'll be using my hemi-walker or quadcane to get around the house. My hubby is still nervous. So he rigged something up so I can wear my cell phone on a strap around my neck. He's the best. :wub2:



happy? 1st Anniversary

On a day like todaythat is filled with so many mixed emotions,it was comforting to just lurk around the site. it made me feel like I spent the day with friends. I caught up on some blogs and postings and even spent some time in the gallery. It all just helped to ease my mind and helped me deal with the fact that there are many more anniversaries to come. Iadore this wonderful family here and you all have helped me to be happy to be alive ! :happydance:



New Valentine's Day

I used to love doing special things for my husband and kids for Valentine's Day. Now that I am trapped at home I told my hubby last night that I was happy to skip it this year! He shows me so much love every day now that I don't need a special day he says he feels closer to me then ever since the stroke and loves me more now. I sent them each an e-card and there will be plenty of one-armed hugs and kisses for all of them! May be I will attempt some brownies. That should be interesting.



Look out world here I come!

I went for evals. in PT and OT today and had a pleasant surprise, two very knowledgeable and experienced therapists! The OT is even trained in the Saebo and thinks I am an excellent candidate. We are going to start off with 3 visits a week in each discipline. I am excited! They have alot of great ideas. My PT was even talking about me walking more and considering going back to work. I am tired of being a bump on a log.I am looking forward to any and all improvements they can help me make. Bring



Back to therapy

Well I have PT & OT evaluations on Monday 1/30. I am excited to get back to work. Maybe we'll get me a little more independant, that would be great . I feel bad that my husband has to do so much for me. Maybe we'll get my arm doing some more.



I can't catch a break...

I thought I was doing pretty well, then I woke up Friday morning outside on a stretcher with 2 men standing over me(EMTs) seems I woke my husband up, having a seizure.My doc took me off anti-seizure meds. two months ago. I hadn't had a seizure and she thought I was pretty low risk. Guess she was wrong. I have been tremendously fatigued ever since.The ER doc couldn't believe I didn't have a neurologist so he gave me several names. I have an appointment with one of them tomorrow. Maybe he'll tell



still chugging along

It's been a long time since I last blogged. I went through 3 weeks of serial casting and got a special nightime splint My foot is practically flat on the floor and I had my AFO adjusted. So finally my walking with the quad cane has improved.I haven't had physical therapy in months so now the doc is talking about me going to an NDT(neuro developmental therapist). Of course my insurance company has cut off my PT benefits,so we will have to pay for it.I just want to get better and get on with my



botox is a wonder drug

It has been 2 &1/2 weeks since the botox. and even though I am no longer in therapy. I am making improvements on my own. As far as the foot goes we have revisited serial casting . It seems to be working well so far. Hopefully I will have my foot flat on the floor soon and then I will resume PT.My arm is moving much better too. I am hoping to go to a rehab center with an OT trained to use the Saebo.I just hope it doesn't wind up being a disappointment. I have high hopes for a wonderful recove



finally got my botox

I have been waiting over a month for my first out-patient botox treatment and I finally got it on Friday. Unfortunately ,my doctor was not in ,so I will not see her until Wednesday to find out our next step. I just want my foot flat on the floor again. I am curious. will we do serial casting again ?or what? I just want so badly to be able to walk well again. I am keeping my fingers crossed for a miracle. But I also know it will require more hard workon my part and I am ready. Bring it on! I don'




Well I climbed the stairs today. I saw the second floor of my house for the first time since February. Up wasn't too bad,but I was nervous about going down. Good news... No problems. I was fine ubtil I went into my bathroom and tried to weigh myself on the scale. As I was getting off I fell,hard onto the tile floor. Iseem to be fine , but I fell on my affected side. We'll see if any bruising shows up. I appear to be unscathed. But I think I will sleep really well tonight. Tomorrow my youngerda



An epiphany about sleeping

Yesterday morning I awoke in a rather good mood, along with my mood came an epiphany. I now know why I enjoy sleeping so much! When I sleep... I dream When Idream... I am whole again and I behave as the me that used to be the fun me, the funny quick witted me, the obnoxious me, the woman with the sexual appetite. With 2 normally functioning arms and legs,Able to speak without pausing mid -sentence to find words.   So you see... Sleep is a happy place, where my troubles a



doc visit

We went to the doctor,(rehab/physical med) on Monday and I was evaluated for my next round of Botox for my arm and leg. They have become pretty tight again and I am hoping to uncurl the first digit on two of my fingers.While we were at the appt. The doctor happened to casually mention tht the head of neuro-surgery had told her that I was the worst bleed they had ever seen make such a good recovery. Then she said ,"you may not know this, but you were clinically brain-dead when they took you into



Have I mentioned...

Have I mentioned that I have one of the greatest husbands in the world . He has been by my side through this whole ordeal. Sometimes I love him so much it hurts. We shower together every morning then we get dressed and then he leaves to take our younger daughter to school. When he comes home in the evening we all try to have dinner together, all 4 of us. My older daughter has been kind enough to cook several dinners.She has been an awesome help to us.I really have a great family!   Boy do



beg. of the end continued...

The next clear memories I have were mid April when I was on the rehab. floor, my friend Sharon and her husband came to visit and my husband was there and they were talking about taxes.They finally chose a date,May 11th for my AVM repair/removal and craniotomy to replace the piece of skull they had removed during emergency surgery. I went to PT and OTand ST 5 days a week 2x a day for 1 hou reach. On May 10, My sister's birthday, I walked with the hemi-walker for the first timethere were nurses a



Feeling selfish

I am feeling selfish today. I wanted my husband to stay home with me today. My AFO has been bothering me and I overdid it a bit yesterdayand Iam feeling a bit sorry for myself. My husband of course has no time off left and it's a busy time at work but I miss him and I need a little extra attention. Sometimes I get really annoyed with myself for being so needy. He said he'dcome home early today, but that just makes me feel guilty. 'cause I'm afraid he'll get behind at work. Just ranting. I'



The beginning of the end

My story begins like this.... 2 years ago,in July of 2003.The company my husband works for relocated us from a suburb outside of Baltimore, Maryland to Southlake, Texas a suburb outside of Dallas. My husband and I were born and raised in the Baltimore area.All of our friends and family were there. Our daughters Emily and Samantha were ages 14& 11yrs. respectively. It was a difficult adjustment for the girls. I was not working so that I could be available to them at all times. Picking the

