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my daddy's struggle so far

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how long has it been?

i dont even know how long it has been since my dad had his stroke but it wouldve had to have been close to five months. its hard. im supposed to be getting on with my life but all i can do is think about my dad. he hasnt woken up yet. well he does, he opens his eyes and is 'awake' but he is still in the coma. its hard not to lose hope and sometimes...i know this sounds horrible...but maybe its better if he stays asleep because im so scared of what hes going to be like when he wakes up. i want to



money money money

excellent... my mum and dad's fiance are fighting... they found a blood clot in my dad's arm in case you couldn't tell that excellent was sarcastic.. they are fighting because of money, they have both been told conflicting things by dad's work and it is causing emotions to become very high. my mum is a very emotional person, she uses her heart not her head.. we need our school fees paid and according to rose (dad's fiance), all of his accounts etc are frozen and she doesnt have access to t



so it starts to hit home..

sigh... the reality of dad's stroke is finally starting to sink in. as he's no longer working, his salary has obviously been cut off, however, his sick leave and annual leave were supposed to cover us for at least 3 months. the money hasn't come in. because my parents are seperated, dad paid child maintenence evrey month, which basically covered the mortgage of our home... so the reality is, no dad, no home. also, my brother and i go to a private school, so it looks like no more of that.. but i



next few days

okay... so dad has been moved from the ICU to a ward. not really that big a deal but it just means that he can breathe by himself and doesnt need the ventilator. umm.. not much change really... they've done a CT scan which confirms swelling is down by 50% from what it was when they brought him in. they've confirmed he will have some permanent damage, what that is we dont know.. just waiting for him to wake up. :hiya: its just kinda a waiting game. so sick of it. i hate the hospital everyone is



the story so far...

hmmm... its been 10 long days since m,y 46 year old father suffered a hemorrhagic stroke to the right side of his brain much to the horror of my family around me. he was given emergency surgery... 6 hours after it happened...too long in my opinion... given a 50/50 chance of survival, was placed on three types of sedation and his ICP was monitored. It was very scary for me at first. the first time i saw him lying there hooke dup to all these machines it was too much, i stood about 3 metres away a

