Its coming to a end, summer. Patio furniture gets stored is winteriized,and you hope your cutting grass for last time. O well! Being the sport fisherman I was before stroke, night spring fishing was me. Now that Fall is approaching it will make way for winter. Winter alli though about was sitting on the muddy banks at night fishing for bullhead and keeping warm by the fire i built while sucking on an unlite cigar. the biggest bullhead I caught was 2.1 and lost a 4 pounder.
i write once in a great while but this story "Orange Sky" fits August. While taking a strole in the evening the air and sky is orange after sunset and this story came to mind.
when I get into a bad situation I turn it to as fun. Last night was a nice weather night so I took a nice strole. What made it nice,it was bug free and a steady cool breeze. Just think if I was in recliner, I would of miss this oppertunity.
I went to wal-mart and caught a sale on laundy soap 4.97 for a 96 load Armor hammer. i bougght 3, I think i did good. The extra one (third one) i got for a nurse because of large family. i am a bulk buyer except I'm aguy that gets things on sale When
its 8:36 i chicken out
Trust me I have more patience than anyone. Its more a trust issue. When you can't talk you depend on a quick thinker. I no this person and I know danger. I had to call 911 to many times to get me off floor. She is one of those persons you look forward to coomming but I can't trust her witts. She can do this its me that has problem. Guess, i'm not over the trama of 911.
Watching that bridge disaster
Its hard to depend on some one who has no fast witts i gue
I am keeping cool today, a 97 degree heat with humidity. glad I have A/C to work on my web page.
i consider it as a hobby of mine helping time pass quicker it's also a way to share. Funny thing about other day, I decided to change my background and realized all the work i did, all that writing.I have this caregiver who is dumber than a box of rocks but can she keep my home clean. Its nerve racking because I have a new transfer device, just like my old one but less strain on the person usi
I took a back seat to a stroke at an age of 28. I live on North Avenue Niagara Falls, New York.
I was 28 years old in Oct. of 94. I was celebrating a happy & loving third wedding anniversary. In those 28 years, I held a job for 7 years and due to health reasons, I took to school to start over a new occupation (welding), because of my loving marriage.
I am doing great, because I occupied a job (welding) just in time to take my wife out to eat and celebrated our anniversary. Did you know