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Daughter's first performance in Band Uniform!

Happy Labor Day!   Here are pictures of my girl in her first ninth grade marching band performance! She plays clarinet - I think in one of the photos you can see her - the 30 yard line marker is next to her head. The did really well! If you see some somber expressions it's because we had a moment of silence before they played for Kendra Goff - the girl who passed last Monday. After this they played her favorite song. All of the band kids wore a pink ribbon because it was her favorite co



I'm ba-aaaack! LOL

:yadayada: Hi all - Back after taking off the summer off - my girl's last summer before high school! So we did a bunch of things and went a lot of places - and just did a lot of nothing - knew that once school started that things would go crazy. Which they did. Had a house fire in our "downtown" area that caused only a few injuries but did displace one of our town's "special people" Whenever I think I have it bad I just remember that I improve everyday and these guys don't have that opt



Another mini-stroke

Okay - made it through second anniversary of stroke 3/23/06, but then celebrated with another mini-one tw days later! Only in hosp for two days - new BP meds ugh! Was scary because I couldn't hold phone and couldn't dial so had to wait until my daughter to come home to get help - Luckiy she didn't freak out - was very calm and did great   Hope everyone had a great American Easter! I'm Greek Orthodox so the Eastern Orthdox's Easter isn't until April 27th - the first Sunday after the first




Well, here I am at 2:30 in the morning, unable to sleep even with the sleepaids.....tough day yesterday - the one year anniversary of my father-in-laws death, and Sunday is my two year anniversary of my stroke - nerve-wracking, let me tell you. Been twitchy these past couple of days and head is killing me because I just can't seem to relax.......Going to take a long walk tomorrow - or as long as the weather will permit me to go. Just so ready for spring...such a nice tese of a day here today -



Back in the saddle somewhat

Hello all -   Thank you for your kind responses and encouragement. Hubby and I have been in counseling for almost two months now because he actually brought up divorce - I asked for counseing first and then to see what happens. January has been rough because it's the marker of last year's betrayal by him - talking with and seeing other women "friends" and saying that he didn't kbow how much longer it would lastand if any of them thought they could try again!   I had no idea that things



Vacation away from constant reminders of no life

Have been with my parents now since the last week of June - took my daughter with me on one leg of the trip before she went back to her Dad's for summer visitation. We went to visit my youngest brother who lives in PA - we were there for a week, then came back to Indiana to drop her off and pick up more clothes for me just before the 4th of July and then came to Oklahoma, stopping to see some family in St. Louis on the way. It has been a good experience on the whole - seeing old friends(hal




Worry is a nagging ache making thoughts lag and late Give them up to G_d they say All you have to do is pray.   Pray for a migraine to go away pray for money to fall our way pray for this, pray for that Can't I pray to not have to pray somewhat?   Go to the higher power (S)he will help you in your hour. So far, not,never has(??), will ever? Or banished am I to be, forever?   The light has truly spoken, I took a break and asked, For that real break, I have actuall

