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One Day At A Time

I continue on with life, one day at a time. My goal has become this: If I wake up in the morning, I do what I can do to make it through my day, go to bed at night and hope for sleep. If I wake up the next morning, I carry through with the same goal.



Still me..but not

I've decided I needed to utilize this site more. It's a good tool and so often I feel like no one in the world could ever know how I feel or what I went through. I've changed so much. I'm grateful for the blessings I do have! Afterall, the doctor told my husband to call in my family to say their goodbyes. I defied all the odds; physically that is! But mentally, now that's a different story. Sometimes I don't even know who I am...

Back in the saddle

Soooo FINALLY I am starting to feel "normal" for me that is "living life as the new normal" After 3 weeks of living hell I am FINALLY feeling like my old new normal. haha Today was great. Made a point to spend 60 min in Gods Word first thing this morning. I did go to church last night but have fallen out of the habit of reading on my own! For the first time in forever I felt good all day, wasn't tired as usual, got a lot done around the house, was able to play around w/ wedding pics (my d

Officially a 1 year survivor!!

So excited to celebrate my 1 year anniv as a Brain Stem Stroke Survivor!! Exactly one year ago today on what started out to be a wonderful day ended in near fatality. What an amazing journey this year has been with so much I can't even begin to talk about it all. Today I stand strong, I celebrate this day and all of the ups, downs, happy, sad, angry, dissappointed, painful, wrong, right and every other single moment that lead to today! I am happy to say I have beat the odds & I will carr

Second attempt to "blog"

So I'm trying this blog again. Still not real sure what I'm supposed to be saying here. haha Anyway, been awhile since I've blogged (obviously) as well as chatted. I haven't been able to get on the site for some reason. Could view all as a guest but when I signed in it shut down. Wonderful is our techno!! Hope everyone is promoting Stroke Awareness Month. There is so much awesome info to forward. If you haven't already, check it out at stroke.org. You can forward emails, facebook,


I'm fairly new to the site but anxious to learn my way around. Never have done a blog before so feel free to give me pointers. ha I had a brain stem stroke last June on Fathers Day at age 40. Was in picture perfect health. Not sure how much of my 'story' I should include. Been a roller coaster ride for sure. All we can do is take one day at a time if that's part of God's plan for us. Everyone of our friends & family (that we have left haha) should be aware of the warning signs. Take c