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Amust read for the recovering stroke survivor !

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my radio interview

Hi folks I just got the link to my radio interview an here it is...ink http://www.wbgo.org/internal/mediaplayer/?journalID=jrnl2011-110527-article1&type=journal   rnjoy ;o)



My latest tv interview

I posted this on my fb for some friends and family. I 'm not sure copying it here will be adequate but I hop so ) Enjoy and keep on keeping on survivors! Surviving a Stroke « NJN News – New Jersey Public Television and Radio njnnewspublictv.wordpress.com Dr. Oriana Cornett had spent years studying



Its raining on my soul

So,I live in New Jersey now; we moved from Manhattan across the Hudson rive to NJ in March. I love it there imensely but its been raining here all week and today it started to rain on my spoul. I'm usually in a much brighter mood but today I cried most of the morning... It was one of those, can't wait to get to my office, close my door and kneel to pray so I can cry afterwards kinds of days.. Weirdest thing I had a great session in OT AND PT yesterday but I woke up as usul with a bum left leg an



I may have found a way to get my left arm and hand back. Interested? it might be able to help you too. Please read

Hello Everybody. if you don;t already know from my blpogs and profile info I am a atroke neurologist who is also a stroke survivor. I was 37 when I stroked last April. I still have a ways to go in my recovery. though, Im greatful to have regaiined much of my former independence. I still walk with an AFO and a cane and I have no real use of my left arm or hand but I may have found a way to get my arm back. I'm really excited about it because as many of you are; I'm pretty tired of living 1 hande



Some of My Latest Press....

Please don't think the press has gone to my head. I actually missed my first tv interview which aired this passed Monday. I was in my kitxhen trying desperately to prepare dinner...I'm not soo int me; just thought I'd share. Hope you like. It will appear in Pulse Magazine; the next issue I think...   Stroke Shock: When the Doctor Become a Patient   By Maryann Brinley     “I remember thinking, ‘I’m in bed in a neurosurgical intensive care unit and I’m not the doctor doing the r



Me...? On tv...? Really...?

Well it's true. Im gong to be o the boob tube. I just finished a tv interview with a reporter fom WMBC, which is a local Ne Jersey cable news station. As May is stroke awareness month I was asked i it was ok to revisit my stroke story. With me being a stroke doctor who had a stroke at the healthy active age of 37... well, I did the interview today and did some footage of me typing at my desk and walking outside. I'm kind of nervous about seeing myself on tv becaues while my face is worlds bette



A Recovery tidbit we all should know about please read :o)

I initially wroet this to a young survivor friend of mine named Kim who was worried about her lack of return in her face. Kim also is recovering from a left hemiparesis but she's ambulating well with a leg brace and cane and even has some arm and hand movement. She was worried that her face wasn't progressing like the rest of her affected parts . I wrote this to her because I t realized as I had been trying to guide her throug this recovery process there was something I never told or warned her



I know why my arm nd hand don't work

hello All, I'm a 38 year old woman who is a stroke survivor. last year at the end of April I had a pretty large right midle cerebral artery stroke. I'm also a vascular(stroke) and endovascuarneurosurgeon. Since my stroke I've one a lot of thinking about neurological defecits and recovery. I initially had a very severe left sided hemiparesis that involved my face,arm, hand and leg. My core strength and trunk muscles on the left were also affected. Initially I could neither sit up nor hold my hea



I know why my arm and hand don't work

hello All, I'm a 38 year old woman who is a stroke survivor. last year at the end of April I had a pretty large right midle cerebral artery stroke. I'm also a vascular(stroke) and endovascuarneurosurgeon. Since my stroke I've one a lot of thinking about neurological defecits and recovery. I initially had a very severe left sided hemiparesis that involved my face,arm, hand and leg. My core strength and trunk muscles on the left were also affected. Initially I could neither sit up nor hold my hea



A Must read if you arerecovering from stroke

I initially wrot this to a young survivor friend of mine named Kim who was worried about her lack of return in her face. Kim also is recovering from a left hemiparesis but she's ambulating well with a leg brace and cane and even has some arm and hand movement. She was worried that her face wasn't progressing like the rest of her affected parts . I wrote this to her because I think all of us should be aware of plateau phases in recovery. They can make one feel like it's over but if you know about

