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my 100 things...maybe

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Totally alone

Well the doctors found a heart block now and I need a heart cath to find out how much it's blocked and what needs to be done. I asked the only person available to take me for the cath and she refused. So, tomorrow I will call the cardiologist and cancel it. I can hardly drive myself home from the hospital after that kind of invasive procedure. Or, if I have to have open heart surgery, what then? Take the bus? Yah, ok.   My doctor told me she doesn't think I'll ever return to work. After thi




The 5th anniversary of mom's death was March 8. Is that why I'm so sad? A big part of it, I'm sure. And then there's this medical stuff. NOBODY understands. I don't understand either. How long have I been having TIA's? Were they all before my stroke? Something's not right in my head. I can feel it. I wait for the BIG bomb to explode.   I'm worried sick about going back to work. I KNOW I won't be able to handle it....the stress, the people I work with, the noise, the constant chatter in the



My friends heartache

Today a dear friend in Florida may have to tell the doctors to "pull the plug" on her only child....her 25 yr. old daughter. This young woman has had many problems in her life and made a lot of bad choices. Her family got her in to drug rehab that was to start soon. She decided to have one more fling before going and OD'd. She is now in a coma with little to no brain activity.   In spite of the bad choices and the heartache she caused her family, she is loved deeply and the family is saddene



100 things about me....maybe

1. I'm 56 going on 80 today 2. I have 1 daughter 3. I have 1 grandson 4. I was a single parent 5. Last November I started getting the child support I never got for 28 yrs. 6. I have sandy blond short hair 7. I use to have light blond hair and could sit on it 8. I had a great childhood with loving parents 9. I have 3 brothers and 4 sisters living...1 brother deceased 10. I'm an only child. 11. All my siblings are 1/2's....I'm the only child my parents had together 12. I l

