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survivor's thoughts

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more things about me (from 64 to 82)

64. I gave up smoking 12/31 and it's now been two days (almost 3) but I am cheating - I will start smoking again when I reach 75! I figure if I get there, I'll have it made!! and it makes it easier to be able to say that there will be another ciggie. 65. As I've said before, I know how lucky I am, and maybe the city of New York will see reason and stop fighting my pension. My court date is now Jan 17. 66. The reason the city keeps fighting me is because they never gave line of duty pension f



More things about me

35. In response to the comments on my last entry, I will try to come up with more things. 36. I had about 50 things here before supper, then lost it all. 37. I'll try to remember some of them. 38. When I was drafted in 1966 into the army, they sent me to Germany, where I developed a taste for good beer. 39. That taste stayed with me for 40 years, and I have drunk many of the best beers in the world. 40. I can no longer drink much beer, and I miss it. 41. If I drink too much beer, I e



christmas time

Well, I finally got my last entry finished. It took until today to come up with 100 things about me. And it isn't even 100! I started to do the list on Dec 10 and just finished it on Dec26. Maybe if I ever write a book, it will take several years!



100 things about me

In keeping with the general style of blogs around here I will try to think of 100 things about me (some of which will be boring!!!!) 1. I am 59 years old but think as though I were 19 (when I grow up, maybe I'll do something useful) 2. I used to work as a firefighter in NYC (eventually rising to battalion chief- butI loved every rank and every minute of the job.) 3. I would love to write a book. 4. I used to own a dog but I don't like cats too much. 5 When I was in the army in Germany



FDNY and me

Right now, I am thinking of what I did to deserve this. Bad enough I had a stroke,and now they call me disabled, but the city of New York is still fighting my pension request. I have written to the mayor, and several other politicians to no avail. Maybe I will try the newspapers. If the people of the city of New York knew how the city was treating the workers from the WTC so shabbily, it might embarass the city into doing the right thing. I know I should write a list of 100 things about mysel

