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living after a stroke

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Getting my life back after brain surgery

After spending 4 years of life and finding out I(at the age of26) had a stroke ,was along long road. Now i am 31 and enjoying life it may have changed my plains in life and my outlook in life. I am gonna live it to the fullest. I suffered a stroke at 26 in 06 then a TIA in 08 then in 2009 almost 2010 the doctors found out I had a rear disease called Moyamoya which means puff of smoke in japanese the main artery to the brain that carries blood to the brain was blocked on the left and right side



going on two years

Iknow its been awhile since I have been on just thought I would say that it will be 2 years tomorrow. Last wedenesday I woke up and found I had suffered a small T.M.I (mini stroke) I am ok from it but I came on last Friday. only 3 days it was fun but I am glad it was fast. The doctors gave me more medicine and they said that my viens are not wide enough to carry the blood follow to the brain so they have but me on more meds and upped my aspern so I will carry on day to day



An ultra sound done on my neck

Hope everybody is doing fine. On July 24 i had an ultra sound done on my neck. Check my arteries basically. The nurse took me back and explained to me what she was going to do. My mother went back to. The nurse scaned my right side first in which i got to watch and hear the sounds. Now my mother has had it done so she moved so she could see. The nurse would not tell me any thing good or bad and i understood . My right side looked good, the nurse took video of the whole thing. Then so moved aroun



I finally out ssi

Well its been a while and i thought u all would like to know. I did get SSI and they have sent the first check . They retroded the amount all the way back tobefore i had the stroke. then each month i will get a certain amout then in 6months (around jan) i will get another big check . This has made abig difference, and we are working on the medicade to pay for oxygen . An now I will go back to school. I have my fingers crossed on it . Mom said I would start out one class at a time and then go fro



good news

We heard form the case worker at the hospital, and she said that social security had contacted her and they that had decided on my case. She proceded to say that they would mail us the information in about 4 weeks. It will be a year in Sept. So I am partly happy but I am a little worried about what they have to say. but I am getting better and the more the days go by the more I improve :bouncing_off_wall:



about woman hood

I know some of you are older than me. So my mother asked me to ask you all for basically some feedback about this subject. She went through this in her life but she thinks mine is because of the stroke. This month for some strange reason I had( have) my period. its been since november and then in janurary since I have had one. I usually had one every month and it would happen a week. I don't know why I have done this and why I am also flowing as much as I wish I was not. This is really strange I



remeber High School ?

Ok I know we all remember High school, but remember your Baccalaureate how nervous we all were. Well tomorrow (wed) night is Baccalaureate a trip back in time. I remeber what it was like when i was 18 and its getting close to graduation. The senior breakfest, the senior assembly the ending of your high school days. Then I remember the my stroke, and how fair I have come. The improvments I have made in my life and the frustrations I have gone through. Each day we learn and each day we grow as a



Mothers Day

I wanted to wish all the moms out there a HAPPY MOTHERS DAY !!!! I know they have given us life and they have raised us with love,and they still taking care of us. They have been there with us through the tough times and even when we are happy so take the time today to call ur mom or go and see her. and to those that have lost your mom know that we are with you in thought and you we morn your lose as well.



about me

Hi I am Natasha. I live in Bethany,Okla.I live with my Mother (53) and my 16 year old Brother.I am 27 years old. I like to hang out with friends. My bro wrestles and plays football. He is a soph in high school. I am getting back to doing my counting cross stitching I started out small and working my way to doing bigger projects and trying to stitch more. Its good theraphy. So here is my story :   On Sept 23 ,2006 I had a stroke. I had never been sick a day in my life. When I woke up My mother



Living day to day

I have so many frustrations and concerns. I get frustrated most when I go to tell My mother something and I have to tell it from the starting to the end. Or I find somthing that is funny But when I retell it to her she doesn't find it that funny. My mother and brother have fought right there with me. Everyday I struggle and everyday I struggle more. With out them I wouldnot be here.

