Bonnie Lynn's Blog

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Great Valentines Day!

Kelley & I went to the American Legion Post #14 in St. Petersburg, FL tonight for their Valentines Day Ball. I'm not really sure why, but we had the best night out that we have had since before his strokes! We even DANCED!!!!! And multible times!!!!!! I can't remember when the last time that we danced was!! It wasn't anything fancy but it felt so good to just be on the dance floor with our friends again. It really was a wonderful night.   :cloud9:   It's so strange that I really nev



Does he really have a better sense of smell?

Help! Does my husband really have a better sense of smell since his stroke than he did before?   Ever since my husband had his last stroke he seems to make a point of telling me how bad my breath is. Yes, I know this sounds silly but I've gotten to the point of always having mints, gum and other items to cover my supposed bad breath. Even if it's only been 5 minutes since I have brushed my teeth, tongue and flossed, he still tells me my breath is terrible. And this is coming from a man who on



Can there be intimacy after a stroke?

Hello,   I guess I need to come out and ask it. Can there be intimacy in a marriage after a stroke? We didn't know that Kelley had his first two strokes until he had his third. I just thought the problems we were having were do to the issues we were having with his two adult children, that we both had a lot of stress in our jobs and then he decided to retire which left me trying to pay all our bills on my salary. I also thought he was going through a mid-life crisis! I had even gone to see a



My 46th Birthday present

My husband, Kelley, had his third stroke two day's after my 46th birthday. He had promised to take me out to dinner that night after I had finished a clowning side job. We didn't even know he had the first two. I had noticed some personality changes in him but thought he was going through a mid life crisis. He was 58 at the time.   It may sound strange but I am almost glad that he had that stroke when he did. If he hadn't, I probably would have left him because he was acting so strange. I ca

