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Life of A Survivor

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We Can Breathe Easy For Another Year TAX PAY UP TIME!

Well, tax pay up time has arrived because tomorrow 17 April 2012 is the last day to post mark and send your payment to the IRS without farther penalties. I will insure it gets in the mailbox TODAY! When they have to send you a refund of your money you paid them all year they don't add any interest but when you owe them for not paying enough they charge you a fee! So today I'm making sure my check is in the mail for tomorrows deadline to pay! I already sent in another W4 to have more held for ta



Laughing Matters In The News Paper

Have you ever felt like you need to cry a little or maybe laugh too?? After all we are still alive and functional so just because we survived the stroke or we are giving care to our loved ones sometimes we need a break to catch our breath, breathe in and out to lower our blood pressure then cry or maybe even laugh or smile a little while our minds take a break from all that work and thinking we do so well! I posted this morning in the Off Topic Form a paper on senior news that may interest many



Having A Stroke And Living With One

After 8 years recovering from a brain bleed stroke and living with it really test your courage but I just don't see how we could ever make it without a care giver at home! I say this now because I'm pretty much in control of the stroke but there is always something that seems to be very difficult to accomplish on your on or by yourself! The thing about that is you can leave it alone and not bother or wait for your care giver to give you a hand! My wife usually don't mind doing things to help me




I'm sure you have heard or even said both when you survived the deadly stroke in your life. Should it become the case of a non-survivor then you are a victim in my opinion! Well, I survived a Brain Bleed stroke on 15 January 2004 while home alone on the second floor sitting at my computer. Mind you I just had my annual physical the month prior and declared in great shape! I did know it wasn't my heart and never thought about a stroke at my age1 NO ONE IN MY FAMILY EVER HAD A STROKE!   My finge



How Do You Feel Physically??

Do you feel your weak side is stiff, incorporable, and need to feel better?? Well you need to exercise that whole side daily! Just a little bit is better than sitting and doing nothing each day. Get up, get out, walk, swing your arm/hand, and squeeze a ball in your hand daily! Try using the weak arm/hand often in routine situations like flip the light switch catch the door knob even if you can't turn it! If you drink a bottle of water squeeze the bottle put the cap back on with your weak hand be



April Is Coming!

Well, this month is March and April follows but we just had much rain here in central Texas which has created some problems for most home owners! First... The Ant has come above ground in big mounds trying to find a drier location for their Queen! Beside my driveway on both sides are mounds of fire ant and along the sidewalk the length of my property front! Then the back yard has several mounds as well which will have to be treated with gasoline. There is no product at Home Depot they say that



Spring Has Arrived

Well, as most of you can feel the heat, and see a little greenery around, Spring is here and just about in every state in the US. So we can look forward to a very warm spring maybe a very hot Summer too! If we are lucky our winter months won't be so much snow as in the winter past! I know here in Texas it was terrible with the drought where cattle were dying and water was none existence! Now it's raining again in Texas but a little late for the farmers and the ranchers who lost much of their cro



That time of the year Again! Tax Time

Tax time can be a frustrating time for some folks preparing their own taxes! On the other hand when you use the right guide it can be fun and a learning process for a life time! In my case I have been using "Turbo Tax" for nine years now and they work great for me! All the answers are at your finger tips and you can take your own time to finish, the cost is very low with a discount from my credit card company!! They store your last year info in giving to charities and things you'll need for the



What Is Lent?? When Is The Observance Of Lent???

I'm glad you asked: For those in the Christian faith, the Season of Lent is typically considered to be the 40 days between Ash Wednesday (Feb 22 this year) and Easter Sunday (Apr 8 this year) and is often characterized by abstention from certain kinds of food or activities.The period is most commonly thought of as a symbol of the 40 days and nights Jesus spent struggling with the devil in the wildness.   While sometimes regarded as a predominantly Roman Catholic observance, for Christians of a



One Blog With Two Topics

FIRST: We got the little puppy for my grandchild and she's in dog heaven! She is up early each morning before get ready time for school to see where her little Princess is and what she is doing. She has the run of the upstairs area hallway and bathroom. We got pads down ti two places and feed her 2 or 3 times a day. She poops twice a day usually on the pad in the bathroom. I got a page of the newspaper folded to hit her butt when it's not on the pad and a puppy dog bone biscuit when he minds and



Here is Hoping Another World War Will Not Start

I'm sure many of you are hearing about Iran's plans for a nuclear war and terrorist attacks around the world? That's the last thing any country needs now! There is enough fighting going on right now and to start more fighting is not the thing to do for most economy's! That worries me greatly! All I can do is pray it doesn't happen but this world has known wars and rumors of wars for generations! At no time will everyone be satisfied with what we have in each country! Fred!



The Role Of History

History is a clock that people use to tell their political and cultural time of day. It is also a compass that people use to find themselves on a map of Human Geography! The role of history is to tell a people What they have been , Where they have been and what they are or where they are in this history as recorded in the minds and books of life!   The most important role that history plays is that it has the function Where they still must go and what they still must be...We the People of this



Living In Texas

Well, in case you ever decide to come live in TEXAS you will know a little bit about the BIG state of Texas!                 Only in Texas A history/geography lesson for all Texans, used-to-be Texans, adopted Texans or wanna-be Texans: Just Texas Pep, Texas 79353 Smiley, Texas 78159 Paradise, Texas 76073 Ra



The Power To Overcome

The power to overcome is really yours! It's how you think you "Can't and Won't" I learned a great lesson yesterday in church. It all starts with how you believe. Do you believe you can't or do you believe you won't?? When YOU really believe in God as so many of us claim then it should be easy for us to TRUST in Him!   "I just can't get along with my wife."..."My husband and I can't communicate."..."I just can't discipline the kids as I should."..."I just can't give up the affair I'm having."..



I Can Get Into Chat

As of yesterday I got into the Lobby at least cause no one was there. So my computer is chat ready for tonight, the newbie chat if I don't go to sleep! I read the instructions to get from Lobby to the room where everybody is for the chat. Advanced warning...I'm not fast Freddie so take it easy on me you all my typing is 10 words a minute or maybe 5, cause 10 seems way too high!! :growl: :zoro: Fred!



We Made It Back From My Brother's Funeral

Well, we made it back yesterday from my brother's funeral and Home Going services. It was a trying time for me since he was a month away from his 89th birthday. He was a devoted Christian Like our mom was. I learned he was also a deacon in his church and was always there for duty. In fact I remember he joined that same church way back in 1950 and been active there since. He was given a great funeral in all respects.   We only had one brother and one sister that was unable to attend by being so



My Oldest Living Brother Passed Yesterday In Houston, Our Hometown

It was great news on the 15th for me making 8 years of recovery, then the day afterwards on the 16th, yesterday my brother passed at the hospital in Houston, Texas. He was one month from being 89 years old. His birthday would have been February 17th to make him 89. I guess God had other plans for him in heaven to call him home "saying job well done my servant." He is the brother I knew more than any of my other brothers. He has been in Houston living on the same street since before I was born. H



Sunday January 15, 2012

Well, members I am posting this subject date because to and for me it's a historical date in many ways. First, should I live to see it I will have survived 8 years and one day. That's more years than I once did not know I would still be here with my wife and family. Secondly, The 15th is Sunday, so my plans are being in my church testifying how good God is and has been to me! Last but not lease, celebrating my extended life on this earth and finding such a fantastic group of stroke supporters in



A Time To Be Thankful

You know, I'm very thankful, this is another year upon me since the stroke of my life happened on January 15, 2004. I really feel I'm blessed in many ways to be alive today and this year makes eight I have been a survivor. So for me, it's a time to be thankful. Thankful to God, my wife and family and the wonderful members here past and present! We can all look back and get angry about the stroke or strokes that caused us to be in the condition we are now.   The big question in my mind is could



The Year Ahead

Well, the 12 days after Christmas are over TODAY! Take down the lights, the tree, the snow on the windows and all the stockings hanging on the fireplace mantel. I already discarded the boxes, wrapping paper and packing materials. The city pickup crew is smiling cause the stuff that can be used they save it in the truck. I threw out so much older stuff it wasn't funny but I could have a garage sale too with what's left in there. Anyway the holidays are over for me hard as I worked getting things



The 12 Days After Christmas

The 12 Days AFTER Christmas, The first day after Christmas My true love and I had a fight And so I chopped the pear tree down And burnt it, just for spite Then with a single cartridge I shot that blasted partridge My true love, my true love, my true love gave to me.   The second day after Christmas I pulled on the old rubber gloves And very gently wrung the necks Of both the turtle doves My true love, my true love, my true love gave to me.   On the third day after Christmas



A new Years Day Prayer And A wish

A New Year Prayer:   New Year's Day Prayer for One and All Dear Lord   So far this year I've done well.   I haven't gossiped, I haven't lost my temper, I haven't been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish, or overindulgent. I'm very thankful for that. But in a few minutes, Lord, I'm going to get out of bed, and from then on I'm probably going to need a lot more help.   Amen   I suppose this prayer can be repeated by many people in the free world today! I for one know I will need all the



Happy New Year Every Body

Here is hoping your new year will be prosperous and full of joy all year long. Maybe this winter in the US won't be like 2010 was with so much snow and tornadoes. I will keep all of you in prayer! Fred!




He is the reason for the season and has been long before I was born in Texas way back in 1941. I was raised knowing this time of year was all about Christ, our Savior who died for our sins on the cross. I grew up being taught He was the son of the Father God. I could never deny Him or knowing what I know. I was raised by my mom as my father passed when I was about 15 years of age.   As a young child knowing about Christmas and what it really means gave hope to all families especially large fam



More Troops Came home Saturday In Time For Xmas

We try to remain positive here at Fort Hood, Texas with the troops returning from Iraq mostly and a few that has served their tours back from Afghanistan. It's a sorta happy occasion in one sense yet sad in other ways. The troops themselves grieve so hard because their buddies and fellow unit soldiers did not make it back alive with them. We try to think that in all wars lives are lost and it's been that way for many, many years.   It seems and feels like so much pain inside when we loose a lo

