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About my husbands stroke recovery

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its getting a little easier...

I put him on the side of the bed to practice sitting up. and remembered an exercie from the last rehab when he coudln't sit up ( it is disgusting that he could sit up when he got here and not he can't!!!) he did it and now I got him to sit up for a little bit. I will do it every day and in a few days he will be able to sit up again. i brought him up to the solarium and started some pt and ot with him but he was mostly passive and sleeping. but I did it so he had the limbs moving. mayb




2;45 after calling 3 times in the last 10 minutes finally they came with a cold compress for his knee.   i don't know what to do about the man saying he was never going to get any better than he is now and I should prepare myself. He is the director of pt in the kateria house .. i think that is wrong what he just did.   but don't know what to do .   its just these emoitional upsets every day .. it is so hard.. I can do pt and ot with him when he is up myself as it will o



december 17th oh my god.. what next

I am soo uposet about to burst.. the Head of PT said they are stopping his ot and pt on tueaday and I whould look at this is all he is going to be or do, i said he is sleeping It was told to me it was normal to sleep and he said he never saw it ..   I said well my neruologist said it was normal and he said he never did and he can stay till jan 1 as he has a peg tube and they can do range of motion but no more restorative therapy..     I said welll can we see what he does today and tomoo



a better day

Although the rehab didn't schedule a ortho apt for my husband wrist which was red hot and swollen . I made sure it was begun today. They are going to exray it first. the day went pretty good. When I got tot he rehab and saw my husband he was wide awake and alert and I was told they were chaning rehab people to one who stayed later so he would be awake when rehab was. then we went to the solarium on the top floor of the rehab . Its a beautfuik room with glass ceiling overlooking the hudson ri



today i'm scared

I wake up scared and on the verg of tears. I don't know why. I know if I go to meditatie it will go away and I'll be ok again. only i feel imobilzed and can't even meditatie. I will but for some reason I'm scared. I know nothing has changed since last night when I was not scared and feeling peacful about it all. so why does this happen... oh I hate being human. i know it will not be therre soon but for now it hurts so much.   its hard being all alone not having anyone to call o



My husbands stroke

HI this is my first post on my blog. I was advised it is a good way to help me deal with what is happening to me and my husband. I am always on the verge of tears even when everything is fine. well at least not getting worse.   My husband got a stroke of a bleed in the left temporal lobe. they did not operate but let the blood slowly absorb in the body. He was at NYU for 18 days. and now is at Kateri Rebah on 150 Riverside Drive in NYC on 87th street.   The rebah is not able to

