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outlining my husbands survival from his stroke, & the part our family is playing in this.

Entries in this blog

start of the 10 month since Trev's stroke.........

:chat: well start of another month & still no sign of when Trev will be home the last fortnight has been a "dead time" as the "big boss" has been on holiday...will be 'phoning him up on Monday to remind him of our existence :Tantrum: anyway a little positive news, our area Stroke Co ordinator has been in touch, mainly to ask who Trev was doing. I filled her in with the latest saga & she's promised to help as much as she can :friends: as she is "neutral" as she isn't employed by ei



Good times & bad....................

:cloud9: Today I visited Trev, was a good visit...missed a power cut in our village so it was doubly good . It's great now I've managed to arrange for him to have his fav newspaper delivered daily so he has a chance to keep up with the latest news etc & do the crosswords.   He had some good news to tell me. Apparently on Saturday whilst being helped to put his "bad" arm into his sleeve, there was a very loud "click" as if something had gone back in place. His shoulder hurt for a while,



Oops sorry not updated for a while.........

:friends: Sorry just realised it's a week since I wrote in my blog. Last week the newspaper article was published, a very good "write up" about our situation. Many of my friends read the article & are going to phone the Council adding their support to my case. Iv'e 'phoned up the OT's again after their visit last week still no change to report regarding the ramp :Tantrum:   Then the "top man" in the saga of the ramp is on a fortnight's leave :Tantrum: so more time to waste...sometimes I



Our anniversary

:cloud9: well we had a lovely anniversary "picnic" together on Saturday......when even shared a bottle of red wine, getting tipsy in the process :cloud9: I made a favourite tuna pasta salad, homemade wholemeal bread, which Trev really enjoyed. We then had ice cream followed by brie & crackers. Yes it would have been better if he could have been at home....but there's plenty more years to go yet :cheer:   Still waiting for the newspaper article..should be in tomorrow...I hope Anyway peo



newspaper joinds the battle of the ramp

:Clap-Hands: progress at last (I hope), I contacted my local newspaper & on wednesday they took details of my story plus some photos saying that they will print an article supporting my fight for the ramp to allow Trev to come home where he belongs :Clap-Hands: can't wait to see the article...should have been in this weeks, but it is now going to be in next weeks issue :Clap-Hands: I have had so much support from neighbours & friends, a Pet Rat forum is even gathering together a petition



Quick update

:Tantrum: Just had some bad news......the neighbours have refused permission to allow Trev access to our back door, plus the council have told me there's no funding available to do the ramp(could be waiting a year someone flippantly told me :Tantrum: ). I'm so angry & upset & I have written to my MP, will probably get in touch with the local newspaper if that doesn't work. My OT & Social Worker are writing a letter on my behalf to a person higher up on the council.   Why can I do,



Feeling fed up with waiting....

Why, why can't they hurry up sorting out the access & ramp so Trev can come home. Phoned the OT in charge of organising the ramp etc...still no news on the access, but I've got the phone number of the man responsible for sorting it...so he's getting a piece of my mind tomorrow...if I don't get an answer I'm contacting my MP (member of parliament)...& threatening to contact the local newspaper :Tantrum: :Tantrum: I'm on the warpath :Tantrum: :Tantrum:   Went to visit Trev today to f



Not written anything for a while..................

:friends: hello from a VERY HOT England, as you've probably heard on the world news.....the temperature hit record levels yesterday...hottest day since records began....phew..it's impossible to get cool.......   Trev is still getting more like himself every time I visit, it's great when we just sit & chat like old times....just wish they would get moving with the ramp. I feel like threatening them with going to the newspapers...but that isn't fair on the OT & Social Worker who ARE doi



Just a quick note.......

Thought you'd like to see where I live in England   Lovely to visit a very positive sounding Trev today, we had a lovely time just chatting about the future. We talked about his return to his woodturning hobby,we shared the hope that he could come home for our wedding anniversary on 6th August...we'd both love that even if it was only for a few hours.   We also talked about another big thing...me learning to drive which would be the answer to all our transport problems. I took lessons a fe



Catch up time.............

:friends: Well nothing really spectaculars happened this last week :Clap-Hands: unless you count the fact of finding Trev's Social Worker is a guy after our own hearts :Clap-Hands: he luvs animals, & is VERY positive about the future. We have heard of a Charity www.dogaid.org.uk which could help Trev train our dog to assisit him as an assistance dog. Trev is thrilled by the idea. He also told us about computer courses that can help Trev get back into 'puters again.   When I told Trev all



my thoughts on how Trev's feeling

I am going to try & write down some thoughts about his stroke that Trev has revealed over the past 7mths. On the whole he has always remained fairly positive. He believes in looking forward, not backwards at what has past.   In the months before his stroke, he had, with his consultants reluctant agreement stop taking some of his colestral reducing drugs as he felt they were making him loose concentration, he felt "doped up" much of the time. He realised this could perhaps shorten his l



Coping.........or not.......

Ok I've given you the background of Trev's stroke & brought you up to date with what's happened/happening now.   I will try & explain how I've coped, or tried to cope with all that's happened. This will be difficult because I don't want to sound as if I'm always moaning about my lot etc. I just need to rant a little sometimes.   I think I was numb for the first few days felt things were happening that I had no control over. We were fortunate Trev was chosen to be placed on a drug t



Outline of Trev's stroke survival

I don't want to bore people, so I will talk about the major milestones of our survival from November onwards.   Trev fortunately never lost concsiouness after his stroke & in fact he never lost his sense of humour, making a joke out of his situation for example he called his nasogastric tube feeding...underground feeding! He suffered a lot of cognitive & visual problems thus found concentrating difficult during the first few months. This has improving tremendously particularly in the




Hello, will start by giving a brief "potted history" of our family. Myself & Trev met nearly 5 r's ago. After living together for 2r's & me completing a Social Work degree course, we got married on 6th August '05. Between us we have 4 grown up children. My son still lives at home with us. Trev's 2 daughters have 3 children between them making me a step nan to a 13yr old & 3yr old boys plus a gorgous 3yr old girl. We also have a dog, 2 kittens & 2 pet rats. We live in the lovely

