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Healing and Thoughts

Entries in this blog

Getting Better or am I

Why is it that I stop doing my exercises because I feel a bit better. My exercises are not hard and I have time to do them but I don



Just another day

Yet another day of thinking. I went to church today and that was good, but I also wore a pair of earrings, mine you this is something I haven



Something to think about..

Well today is another day and it is weird. I am still trying to be positive but I have faltered a little bit because I had a negative thought and I just moved it from my mind.   Sometimes this feels like a dream and I can



Just thinking today

Well today is a pretty good day. I just sat around watching movies and resting. This is good.   I also told myself I need to read what I write in my blog, because I read what I wrote and all I can say is oh



Still stepping and ??????

Well I am in Texas with my mom for a couple of weeks so she can take care of some business.   I see now that I am pretty scared about going in public but I still go because I have to. I used to be such an out going personality but now I am quiet and reserved. Mostly because I get so frustrated to communicate so I just be quiet. Oh now that really doesn't make sense because I can talk not the best but I can do that. Why can't I seem to remember that?   The last couple of days I have d



Still stepping

Well today I have finished my sudoku and that is an accomplishment.   I am still trying to figure out me and who I am. I still get jealous because of all the things I used to do. I know I am supposed to focus on positive but then that little voice says well you should be mad and you should



Still trying and frustrating

Well today is my second day. It was going pretty good. I went to 2 dr appointments. They are telling me I need to start to enjoy things. I still ask how do I do that. I feel funny all the time. I have a dull headache occasionally but I am just supposed to just get back in there. I am SCARED and afraid and the first step is so hard. Sometimes I dream and everything is ok, I feel normal and then I wake up and see this is real and I feel no normal. WHY do I feel this way? Why can



My first and time to Heal

Well I am entering the world of blogging because it is a needed step. I need to release all these feelings that I am holding in so I start my first blog so I can HEAL. I want to HEAL and get better. I miss me. I don

