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Gizmo's,Gadgets and other musings

Entries in this blog

Meet Lesley, the rest of the story!

Thought it was time for you to meet Lesley and hear her side of the story. She has awakened, reheated her coffee and is ready to write.   I did enjoy the sun rise this morn.There is something to be said for living in the north woods area.I work night shift as an RN at our local rural hospital and it takes me a day to catch up on sleep when I come off and have some days off. I guess my biorythems get screwed up.My story. Dec 8th 2006 our whole life got turned 360 degrees.My George had his i



New gadget, more musings.

Got a new gadget in yesterday. Yes, UPS knows our driveway well. This one would be useful to anyone that does detailed crafts and occasionally needs more working hands than you have. It is a magnifying glass held on a sturdy base. It also has two alligator clips that can be moved and clamped in any direction. Perfect for soldering two wires, perhaps even threading a needle. For about three bucks I just had to have it, even if I never use it. Hostmel has given me some good instructions on how to



Pancakes and Canadian Bacon,this must be Saturday!

We have a tradition of pancakes and bacon on Saturdays. We have substituted Canadian bacon for regular bacon a few years ago, trying to eat right you know. Seems we missed something along the way. We are now enjoying looking at the frost on the leafless trees. Absolutely beautiful. Many people have a hard time understanding why we live in this cold climate. Well the simple reason is that we love it. The wife said yesterday she actually prefers the winter over summer. Not sure I would go that far



Been dealt a better hand

Yesterday was a busy day, driving to Duluth and back in snow. But the news was good. Went to OT for the Saeboflex. She asked how I was doing, hadn't seen her in over a week. I smiled and said let me shake your hand. We shook hands, she started really laughing, and the Saeboflex never came out of the bag. As we left, she asked if I needed any adjustments to the Saebo, I laughed and said you are talking to the Gizmo, Gadget Guy. She laughed and said just keep on doing what you are doing. I will.



Short note, full day

We just got back from Duluth (250 mile round trip), I drove down, she drove back, wife and I are bushed. Will give a full report tomorrow, lots of really good stuff to report. I think I just got dealt a better hand (really).



Another day, life goes on.

Still struggling with the senselessness of my aunt's death. Ya I know, she was over 80, lived a good life, had three successful children, 64 years with one man, happy, but a fall in the night killing her? Could happen to any of us anytime. Anyway she'd want me to move on and not dwell on her passing, so I'll try.   Did the ususal exercise yesterday. The hand continues to show real improvement. Finger strength continues to improve. Dexterity still leaves a bit to be desired. Can't move all the



Sad day

Going to hard to be super motivated today. I just got a call that an aunt of mine died rather unexpectedly. She was about 80, had cardio problems, but all was going very well according to Dr. She got up during the night, fell, hit her head on a table, and because of Cumiden in blood, developed a massive brain bleed and died. Married 64 years. Crap. They have a cabin up here and she and my wife had planned a bread baking party this summer. Not to be. All I can say is live everyday like it might b



A New Day

I start a new day feeling better about the possibilities of life and the future. The arm and shoulder pain have receded. The hand grip strength has dramatically improved in all fingers. Still a long way to go, but much better. I can now make the wife wince when I grip her hand. Before all I got was a smile and "thats good dear". I can now touch all fingers with the thumb, although touching the little pinkie takes a lot of effort. Could not do that two days ago. The Saeboflex is helping. I really



Back to work today

Today is a back to work day. This morning I paid the price for not doing much yesterday. My left arm was tighter than an overstretched rubber band. Think I'll make today a fairly light day, no new records, but a good workout to get the spacisity under control again. The good news, The left hand almost closes into a fist now, and I have some strength returning to the little pinkie finger. Still isn't a great fist, and I won't hurt anybody if I hit them with it (might hurt myself), but it is much



No Bowflex today!

Ah, a day of rest, sort of. No Bowflex exercise today. I ususally do three days on one day off. Today is an off day. Yippee! Actually, I enjoy doing the Bowflex, have a hard time doing the exercise bike first, because I really want to do the Bowflex. I think doing it three days in a row is probably a bit much, should probably do every other day, but I really want to get better fast. Once my left arm catches up to the right arm, or at least where the right arm was when I started, I'll back off to



So much to say

Another good day so far. I'll try to make this short. but I have so much to say. First, anything I do, be careful. Do not do anything that hurts or is unsafe for you. If your Dr or therapist do not agree, DON'T DO IT. If I can be an inspiration to any of you, that's good. If you try to emulate me and hurt yourself, that's bad. Example: my friend Mike, survivor I met in Rehab, still call each other every day. Mike told me he could lift 10lb with his bad hand. I tried it and hurt my shoulder and s



It works! (so far anyway)

Jean, tried to post reply to your question, not successful, still learning this blog thing. Anyway, an OT will fit you initially, lots of measurements, etc, then will adjust for you upon delivery. The good news is that it works, at least for me. Your results may vary. After two days of use, the hand is much less swollen, can actually see the tendons again. May actually be able to get the ring off again soon. The fingers are straighter than they have been since the stroke. I can hold the hands to



Got it!

Finally got my Saeboflex yesterday. It is quite a fancy gizmo. Lot's of springs, adjustments, etc. The bad news is that it will require much work and effort on my part. This is particularly distressing because I am a pretty lazy person. I can lay down right beside work and not be bothered by it. Now I actually have to do more each day. Ugh! In fact, the OT said that she went to a stroke support meeting to show the device and was not well received. Most there felt it was too complicated and took



Good day, more good news

Was going to wait a few days for this, but can't. We are off to Duluth, MN tomorrow AM for the initial fitting for my Saeboflex. Also got approval from ins co for botox treatments, scheduled for sometime later this month (wife does scheduling, I just show up at the appointed time/place). Also got a new gizmo in today, a fingernail clipper with round ends like scissors. I can hold them with my affected hand and actually was able to clip my nails on my good hand with the left (bad) hand. One more



First post

I have decided to take admin's suggestion and create a blog. I'll continue to post as GeorgeLesley, but called this blog what I want the focus of the blog to be. I am a former car mechanic and general handyman. I am trying some of the gadgets and things we all hear of, and will post the results here. Hopefully others will post about their experiences as well. First up is the Saeboflex I already posted about. Should receive it and start therapy within a week or so. BTW, the OT is in Duluth, MN, 1

