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Highlights of simple things observed that were taken for granted pre stroke

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Today it was a Ferris wheel ride

I went to the hospital early because I had some work I had to do online and I realized there's free Wi-Fi at the hospital and money still really short I couldn't even afford to stop and have a cup of coffee on my way down there but then I thought well the day room that I hang out and always has free coffee free coffee free Wi-Fi and a quiet place to work life is good then I talked to one of the nurses and she said well we only have one stroke survivor laughed and I said what happened Coker was d



Enjoying life watching kids play

While waiting for the bus at the grocery store I see two young boys climbing around on a snow pile at least 30 feet high right on the edge of the parking lot I'm a little concerned because there is traffic but I also know I did that as a kid curse we have had a very atypical winter it is 45 degrees and the sun is shining actually feels pretty nice feels nothing like January 30th but it is so much fun to watch those little boys looks like they're playing king of the hill I remember when I used to



Communing with nature

While waiting for the bus this morning also looking at the Sun Rise there was a shadow that was cast over my face so I looked up and saw a rather large bird want to settle in the trees I realized it was a huge hawk. That explains why I didn't hear many birds chirping this morning he was just out looking for a little breakfast and I must be some good eating around there because he was large is so neat to see nature up close and personal and just remind me what a blessing my life is to be here to



1 year anniversary

Special thank you and shout out to Steve Mallory for sending me a happy anniversary noticed this morning I guess I didn't realize it's been a year already I'm taking the time right now to humbly thank all of you for the support that you've given me over the last year you guys have been my salvation many times here alive and so blessed to have friends like you thank you all so much Jay



Riding an emotional roller coaster today

My day started having coffee with a couple of older gentleman and we laughed and talked we talked politics hand shared war stories one of the gentleman had a quadruple bypass surgery just sharing some humorous events in the hospital nothing funny about this situation or having a stroke but funny situations that we were all laughing at after that I went to the hospital to check on my patience and yes I call them my patience i check with the nursing staff see what was going on and she so yeah we



Another amazing day

A good friend of mine is directing a show this weekend in the local theater in my town and knowing that the show opens tomorrow I knew we would be at the theatre doing last minute prep so I stopped to give him moral support and it was so nice to be able to stand on the boards once again and look out into the auditorium this time all the seats were empty but it was such a joy to be there and realizing just how blessed I am to still be here and moving forward I will be able to participate in theat



Happiness/normalcy is possible at least a version of it

First of all let's agree that just like our caregivers can't truly understand what we're going through only a fellow stroke survivor can understand that let's agree that we don't have any idea what our caregivers are going through only other caregiver can relate to that as well   Ok a little history my wife and I am at 30 years ago while doing a play with local community group over the years we have Cole directed shows and directing shows individually we've been on stage and my wife is actuall



Wow do I love this site

I love blogging because I can make some simple observations about life and it is all the same time encouraging humbling inspiring there was a poor thing I wanted to say but per usual I've lost it somewhere in my mind It is always so great when someone responds it's nice to know I'm not alone it's validating for me to know that I'm not alone in my specific frustrations, fear or anxiety whenever I need a new Survivor I was trying to figure out right away if they are computer savvy I just think e



Act of kindness leads to an invitation for lunch

Yesterday on the bus to elderly ladies got on both with walkers and we're struggling to find they're $0.40 each to pay for their fair and I said you know what let me pay for it I've got the change and the one says you know we're heading to this restaurant for lunch would you care to join as we could love to buy you lunch for paying our fair I didn't offer to pay your fare to get anything back out of it and she says well that type of generosity and kindness will be repaid by God tenfold and I sai



Awesome humility

Once again this morning I am filled with all and humbled at the beauty of the sunrise once again I have to thank God that I am still alive and then I can witness the beauty of the colors are just so brilliant it may be cold but at least I'm inside the house watching the sunrise at least today. Be blessed and be a blessing, Jay Allen



How can offering someone hope be a bad thing?

I went to the hospital early this morning because I have family commitments this afternoon so I was talking to one of the nurses and she says oh yeah go ahead and go ahead and say hello to Carol I'm sure she'd like to see you so I did and I asked her how she was doing she said she was a little down because she's going to be getting out of the hospital in 7 days and going over there and so I said where is over there it was a skilled nursing facility near the hospital so I said just consider it ho



What if this is as good as it gets

As I was riding the bus yesterday to town to meet up with some friends to have coffee just before going to the hospital to do my volunteer work for a brief nanosecond thought of dread crossed my mind what if this is as good as it gets and my response to myself was I'm pretty damn fortunate I am able to inspire people on this site I'm able to do my writing and I'm able to connect with new stroke survivors and hopefully offer them support and encouragement and the knowledge that they are not alon



You know you're from Michigan when.

You know you live in Michigan when and actually above freezing water to degrees for a couple days. For those of you unfamiliar with the United States and Michigan in particular and how far north we are I am a hundred fifty miles south of the 44th parallel of the Northern Hemisphere. This winter has been relatively mild last winter there were days when we were colder than Barrow Alaska which is up in the Arctic Circle so there are days when we think 20 degrees feels nice Stay warm or cool depe



memory issues again.

after our face to face support group meeting, I asked the coordinator if I could have a meeting. she said sure just talk to the secretary and tell her I've authorized 30 minutes sometime when I don't have a patient. WE agree on Tuesday 2:15 pm. when I finished my talks with my patients, I went to the rehab department, I said, I know I'm an hour early, but I always want to be early vs. late.   she said I'm sorry Mr. Y, you're not only an hour early, but also a week early.   had right day a



Just kind of Weird that way!

I met with one of my patients, that refused to meet on Saturday.   After chatting for a few minutes, I told her " I was so happy when you declined to meet with me on Saturday, I was ed that you chose to take control of the only thing you can control right now in your life. I think that was an important step in your recovery, I'm just kind of weird that way.   She Smiled and chuckled a little.   I'm so glad my silly comment about myself brought her some happiness, if only for a short time.



Anne in a huge smile filling my heart with joy

I learned the other day when I was it at the hospital that one of my patients was being discharged this morning to the hospital I here oh they left a half hour ago so I decided to come down here first thing in the morning and the smile on the patient's face was just so heartwarming I'm so blessed to be doing what I'm doing Jay



Another amazing sunrise

The temperature may be cold and with the west winds Canadian shoreline is covered with a huge mountain of clouds lake effect snow clouds that look like mountains it's an amazing sight I'm so blessed to be here be blessed and be a blessing. Jay



Another blessed day

Old man winter is reminding us these months belong to him at reduced after December of record high temperatures our January temperatures have been much cooler much closer to normal via bus from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. stopping and see my family member the pharmacy to pick up meds and the grocery store I was sitting blocked from the wind with the Sun beating down on my face and I thought wow this is such a beautiful day I am so lucky to be here then I check the temperature and it was 8 degrees with w



national day of service

Happy MILKday, the day of national service, lets all do our part to make the world a better place one person at a time.     Jay



I refuse to go back to that dark place

I refused to go to that dark place instead I focus my energy on the beauty of the day it may only be 6 degrees F but it's a beautiful day and I'm very fortunate to be here and I thank God that I am still here. What a great day I made a wonderful roast beef dinner and my wife proclaimed that it was absolutely delicious boiled that put a smile on my face well today I beat her to the punch I actually had it written down and I gave her food I said and here's our dessert menu if you'd like to look a



You are the one in control

as part of my volunteer work when I meet new my next visit will involve one of the staff from the hospital asking if you're interested in company I remind them that they are in control and they can't say no and not to feel pressured it may be the only thing in their life they can control. Yesterday although both ladies I was going to try to see where a bit hesitant they both said no I was excited for them.   To me that was probably one of the most successful Dave since I've started my volunte



Simple kind words result in tears of joy

I shared the following with an acquaintance of mine at the coffee house and it resulted in her tears of joy. January 12th 2016 Its 25 months on my new journey 25 months post stroke. Contemplating my blessings thanking God for my new life drinking my morning couple of Java I hear in angelic voice saying the words of God has recorded ezeckelle herself composed music a voice so sweet like a butterfly floating around the guard or a young child dancing in the waves on the beach what a glorious w



just a cold snowy Monday.

the temp outside is in the low teens with a wind chill factor below zero. a great day to head to the library and update my blog and do some research.   The only open computer is next to my dear friend mike. He asked me about translating a word doc from eng to Spanish. I guess my suggestion worked. Glad I could help out a friend.   warms the soul to help someone out. Have a blessed day and in the words oif PETER pan, trying to get the kids to fly, "think lovely thoughts". Attitude is im



Just a lazy Sunday

There were times over the last year that I really struggled on Sundays not anymore I just sit down go out my list of things I want to do this week of things I need to do this week after snowing for we got about 5 inches of snow that was so beautiful seeing the Sun glistening off the snow on the branches of the trees once again I realize how blessed I really am Be blessed and be a blessing. Jay



Wow what a day part 2

Looking back on my volunteer work at the hospital yesterday there were three patients for me to visit with however one was in isolation and I was advised to not not enter her room and so will you make sure she knows I was here and the nursing staff said of course they would let her know another one that I went to visit I've met him at his wife last week as well and she stopped me out in the hallway and she says you know he's in the bathroom right now trying to clean up we've all been there haven

