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Highlights of simple things observed that were taken for granted pre stroke

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Glad I have you

I'm so blessed to be you to share my Amazing dayz with, I'm bubbling over with joy from my conversations with my friends today. Thanks for being nonjudgemental and supportive Be blessed and be a blessing. Jay



Another friend another inspirational comment

Well at the coffeehouse I ran into a friend of mine we're sitting outside in the Sun drinking cup of coffee and I relayed the story about my bus buddy Cyndi and he said there's a song you have to hear I believe the lyrics are I'm a fighter I've got the fire I inspire its a song by Jamie Grace called fighter it's a really nice song and he said to me as well I got to get going he says but I want you to know that you you're a fighter and you doing spider wow I can't believe I've had two amazing peo



Wow "you inspire me" nicest thing I heard today

On the bus this morning I ran into one of my bus buddies Cyndi and I see you got on the bus she looked at me and she said its my day to pay it forward I'm going to the soup kitchen Thank you notes to the entire bus you inspire me she said I'm going to be working with homeless people because I've been homeless 23 times in the last 3 years As we separated at the main bus terminal I thanked her again and told her that she inspires me I did say what a wonderful world it would be if everybody did



The little things bribg happibess

Finally able to stop at store and buy a few itrme. I feel like I can once again provide food for my wife and I. I spent $33 I got food for at least 4xinners and breakfasts. I'm good shopper Tra eling bu bus I had to limit .y purchases What a glorious day. Got home and made spaghetti sauce,ike grandma used to make. Peace to all, Jay



Amazing observtion

A family member asked if I was going to buy buncb of steaks with my new bridge card. She knows me so well... NOT. I'm more concerned about bread and peanut butter. I never bought a bunch of steaks when I had money why would I now. I ran into a friend of mine at the coffee house and told him I finally got my bridge card and he was so excited for me well that'll help take the edge off until you Disability comes through now there's somebody that understands me. Peace out Jay



Beautiful sunshine

Sitting outside the ciffee house too cold to use my favorite rocking chair must move t the side where there is direct sunlight. I joked with a friend its lime sitting by a bon fire one side is warm the other still catching the brunt of the west wund and 4 degree F air temp. Must apologize not trying to be rude but my bacm to him is only out if necessity to warm my other side. Lol Winter is coming must access the sun while I can   Peace, Love, not nd prayers, So blessed am I. Jay



Sharing with you rather than family/ friends, unless they ask

I've been told that I tend to bore people with my excitement of my chance encounters. and of course I forget that I've told them and tell them again. "So egocentric" as they say, so I've decided I share with you via my blog, and with my family and friends if they ask. major personality change. My therapist (counselor) thought this was a great idea, I'll keep you posted on my activities, I know you all get it.   peace, love, joy, blessings and prayers, jay



met a newbie at the hospital today.

I was 30 minutes to see my buddy that remembered me on Saturday. she was discharged this morning, while I was eating my luch, darn it, everytime I make a connection they kick them out, I'm glad she's doing so well. The newbie: Rosie, is sweet, she had her stroke last Friday. She lives at home alone and gets "Meals on Wheels " through the Council on Aging. When the person dropped off her He always asks her how things going? she told me she was unable tp speak so he called 911, to get assista



Wonder of nature

this morning on the bus, the driver noticed a huge rainbow, the entire bus reacted like little kids seeing a rainbow with ooohs and ahs. it was beautiful, to witness god sharing the absolute beauty of refracted light through a rain cloud. then the comments started about looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, the only problem is there is never an end in the world, that pot of gold is heaven. my philosophical statement for today.   peace, love, joy , blessings and prayers, ja



pollyanna vs. oscar he rouch

No offense. To oscar, I love oscar. We all have our oscar days, that's ok if we limit it to a day or less, I would rather live life as pollyanna share hope and inspiration   Peace, love, joy and prayers, Jay



I find myself amazed by everything

Met a friend for ciffee he gave me a lap top to use need to install start up disk but who cares What a blessing then went to DHS to upload docs for continued food stamps Stopped by lawyers dripped off letter from SSA. Counseling in 20 minutes The another neurology appt doing an EEG. Only question is will they find anything or not. Lol Peace. Love, joy and prayers Jay. AKAPollynna lol




A few days ago talking with a family member she was complaining about all of her aches and pains and I said to her well my philosophy is those aches and pains and I feel everyday are simply a reminder from God that I'm still alive and she said to me OK Pollyanna and then proceeded to try to explain to me the reference of Pollyanna H and I and unfortunately she did a very poor job of explaining it (like I don't the reference) personall I would rather be Pollyanna and have a positive outlook towar



Hey I know you

Background; a few months ago at one of these support group meetings I participate in I met an older woman who worked with a friend of mine as a grandmother in one of the elementary schools here in town she told me about her first stroke while she was working in the school she knew she wasn't feeling well and she asked the students to go find the principal to help her and a student said no you have to correct our homework first. I have not seen her at any of the support group meetings lately. A



Another beautiful day.

Okay it's o e of those days u need to look a little harder for the beauty. 36F not dressed for that but the changes of seasons is a essu v to witness. I think gid I'm here to feel the cold another reminder that I'm alive. Peace, love, joy and prayers, Jay



I shouldn't be amazed but I guess I am

In today's mail I received notification from the Department of Human Services that in September they gave me $35 for food stamps and October 357 person never bother telling me before today I guess that could be a cost-saving measure if you don't tell people about it they don't spend it so I got on the phone and they're sending me a new card I should have it by Monday will be eating good next week Peace, love, joy and prayers, Jay



I pray the blessings never end

Last weekend my phone was turned off I didn't have the $40 to lay the bill. I struggled. It managed on Wednesday u had secured the money. I went to pay the bi but there was a $5 late fee, I asked if I. Ould pay it next month, the young man looked at me and said. Don't worry I got it. He pulled $5 out of his pocket and said I know your situation and you have no income since your stroke. I look forward to having .iney so I can buy himunch.   What a blessing. Restores my faith in hu.anity Pe



shared blessings

the woman on the bus that thanked me for my volunteer work last week, shared a beautiful story with me yesterday, a week AGO SHE ENCOUNTERED A PERSON DESPERATE TO FIND $.80 TO RIDE THE BUS. MY FRIEND TOLD ME SHE ONLY HAD $.80 BUT GAVE IT TO THE WOMAN AND SAID, "GOD YOU'VE ALWAYS GIVEN ME WHAT I NEED, PLEASE TAKE CARE OF ME NOW". YESTERDAY ONE OF THE state agencies she works with gave her a bus pass good for 30 days and a gift card for $15.00 at a grocery store, she was so excited I rejoiced wi



A prayer is answered today

While at the hospital today I met a newbie she had a stroke 10 days ago and I met one of her seven children Itold them both know that I had a stroke almost 2 years ago they both remarked at how well I seem to be doing and of course I use my standard line hard-work and determination or is my family says .combbornness and the daughter said it sounds like my mother I said don't knock it it's going to take her a long way Then she thanked me for giving her encouragement for her mother's future and




Another meeting with my no non-sense counselor, She doesn't sugar coat anything, I really appreciate our time together, just wish it could be longer, oh well I'll take hat I can get Abuse and all and be happy. just spent another hour at DHS seeking state disability assistance. Fun And games. One of the workers is very friendly and helpful. one out of How many? At least she was nice to me as I struggled with some of the convoluted questions.   peace, love, joy and prayers, jay



Summer coming to an end

Many people accept Labor Day is the unofficial end of summer the calendar games of September 22nd is the first day of fall For me the end of summer came today watching my neighbor remove his boat hoist out of the lake Having spent 26 years on the lake I realize the water is still warm enough to go swimming if only the days would warm up enough to justify going fir a swim. So I guess the summer of 2015 is over.   Peace, love, joy and prayers, Jay



Sunday struggles, not this week

As you know I started seeing a counselor recently we talked about my Sunday struggles and she asked me the ultimate question what did you do priests wrote that you're not doing now? Answer was quite simple prior to the stroke I always went shopping on Saturday maybe Sunday morning and always make Sunday dinner well no money not driving buses don't run on Sunday I gave up that part of my regular Sunday routine she suggested that I somehow get back into that routine so I asked my wife to pick up



Not necessarily amazing but embarrassing moments

When I volunteer at the hospital to give me a meal voucher for $5 I've always gotten the salad bar in its always been under $5 well today as I started walking down the right side of the salad bar my love of hummus took over it was on the other side of so I an abrubt kstop and started going back to the left course I can't see to the left and I bumped into one of the O T's that use to work with me when I did my outpatient therapy she was sweet about it and laughed we both talked about my inabilit



Another unexpected thank you

At the ciffee house I asked the manager how she was doing, she shrugged and said its just one if those hohum days. We talked for awhile I shared some funny stories abkt the grandkids. Awhile later as I was getting ready to leave I said I hope your day gets better. She said it already is that ks for the co versation. I love helping people even when it's uni tentuonal. Peace, love, boy and prayers, Jay



turning lemons into lemonade

Minor pity party today letting little things I cantcontrol bug me must push them aside. Technical issues with the on line chart a chess at the hospital, they haves pro lam I just got frustrated, I can't control that. Money issues continue, vie done all icon i even contacted a former employer about accessing my Pnsi , still waiting. Both out of my hands.   Free music at the coffee housetonight looking forward to somegood music, coffee and con ersations. Positive things are happening. Peace



missing my mommy

today is my mother's birthday she would have been 83 today she has been gone 26 years. time doesn't heal all wounds. they just scab over temporarily. over the years I have found myself thinking I should call mom and dad, especially when my grandkids do something funny. then I catch myself and realize once again they are gone.   we all have losses that we deal with somehow. sometimes it's one day at a time or even an hour or a minute at a time. Happy birthday Mom, I love you and miss you.

