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Highlights of simple things observed that were taken for granted pre stroke

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unconditional love turns rough

last night my wife came home with our grandson. he came running into the house and climbed up on me and snuggled with me telling me how much he loved me, so sweet, a few minutes later he decided to climb up on the arm of the couch and jump on me. I was completely shocked. and let out a yell. Grandma in the kitchen asked what was gaining on.   my grandson replied," I'm just jumping on grandpas belly. I told him I love to play but I need a warning when he's going to jump like that he said o



amazing day already

I made time to watch the sunrise over lake Huron.   sitting in front of my coffee house in a rocking chair, a truck was stopped in front of me by a traffic light. this man yells to me." is life good? I said life is great. he smiled a huge grim and gave me a thumbs up.   I went inside to try to sort out some of my paperwork. and an acquaintance said, I'm buying you a cup of coffee. how sweet life is so many beautiful people in the world. peace, love, joy and prayers, jay



Laughter with a 4 year old.

I had fun with my 4 year old grandson yesterday.   I got him off the bus and we entered the house he just dropped his backpack inside the door. I asked if that was where it needed to be he said no and put it away. then I made the mistake of asking if he had any homework. he put his hands on his hips, let out a heavy sigh and said " grandpa, I'm only 4!!!, dripping with sarcasms.. Later my oldest daughter called the one that just had the baby, I asked if he wanted to say hi to aunt N, his r



I plan to make today more positive than negative

It's a glorious early Fall day, a crispness in the air. the Sun is shining and he warmth feels great on my face. I get to play with my four year old grandson this afternoon, while mom works. he's excited and so am I. Tried to access my case with Department of Human services to check on food assistance and state disability assistance, kicked out by some undetermined error, next I'll call the case worker. I emailed my Psychriatist in and asked for an appointment and referral to a local doc.  



Unexpected thabk yiu

After working at the hospital today the bus was crowded I shared a seat with a woman u talked to yesterday. She asked what u dud at the hospital so I expmai ex about my volunteer work. She said thank you for what you do that is so great. Ore peie beed to give bck, I want to also. After u get healthy. She is gavi v bealtg issues but the docs can't determine the cause. As u git iff the bus she thanked me again. I told her i would pray for her and she was excited . she told me to keep up my



connection made with cou selor

I really feel a connection with this person so excited about moving forward, I told her of the family member who told me to,"put that stroke survivor stuff behind me and also said to give up the volunteer stuff and get a job,my therapi9 said those really bothered you didn't. They? She told me," ill never tell you what to do, unless you're having a. Pity party, I will tell you to pull up your bigboy indies and get o Er it"     It would have great to have her around a year ago,I needed that t



An amazing fruebdshp

Every Tuesday I meet a friend for coffee. He remembered I had a birthday so today he gave me a boom "good poems' by Garrison keillir.   Along with a smart comment, " you are the only man u would ever give a boom if poetry to. I said that speaks volumes about our friendship. He has been such a dear great friend for nearly 30 years. Again I'm so blessed. Peace, love, joy and prayers, Jay



My clan increased by one today

My oldest daughter living in Chicago gave birth to my fourth grandchild today a healthy baby boy seven pounds 11 ounces both mom and baby are doing good and we are all celebrating its a wonderful day what an absolute blessing I am so thankful that I'm here to see this day Peace,love, joy and prayers, Jay




I got an email from a recruiter thus morning for a position a director of mental health services. Reading the hib description is lime reading my resume. 2 years ago I would have junled for biy. I replied u may be I terested but need to k iwicatuib ic bov name of facility etc. Waiting for a response, then the fun really beguns what accomadations swuld I need etc Pray for. E not sure NY fragile egi cohkd hable another failed attempt at work. Jat



Another amazing day neighbor visit

My neighbor who is currently living in an assisted living facility was back home today so I stopped to say hi to her I remember she had a September birthday what I did nit remember was its two days after mine she will be 104 years old on Tuesday so we had a minor celebration today since today is my birthday this amazing woman said to me I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to help your family and you when you had your incident and were in the hospital we talked about appreciating life and those lit



Amazing people everywhere

The end of the day, I was tired so I sat in the curb by the hospital as I waited for the bus. A car pulled up and the woman asked if was okay and did I need any help. Wow it was so cool that this complete stranger was concerned about another human, that made my day and restored NY Faith in humanity. Peace, love, joy and prayers, Jay



Another amazing day

A little rainy overcast skies what a day to be I've. I can walk in the rain and now volunteering, u hope u can offer hope to someone today ikk jeep you updated. Jay



All types of assistance a challenage

Trying to file an application for "State Disability Assistance", Although not as bad as SSA, they don't make it easy   More hoops to jump through.   Trying to stay positive, but it is a challenge jay



support from unexpected sources

Late yesterday getting on the bus I stumbled and the driver that I've gotten to over the past year. Asked if u was ok. I said just a little tired. She then asked if u over dud it pushunv ntself too much. What an amazing person to have that much concern over an acquaintance that she's got no by driving me around town life is such a blessing and they come in unexpected ways Peace, love, joy and prayers, Jay



missing my blog

Yesterday I was having some technical difficulties with accessing my blog I'm so happy be back online I had an initial screening / assessment with a counselor to help me deal with my depression a bit apprehensive at first but after our our session wow did we hit it off this going to be great for me looking forward to it life is such a blessing Peace, love, not and prayers Jay



Another victory

We attended another wedding yesterday outside with reception in a large +crowded) tent. Another buffet line. I had to carry two plates. U didn't drop any food and only bumped into one person. Almost tripped over power cords, but that was only my first trip around the tent. After that initial venture u made sure I was extra vigilant the next few times u had to travel, restroom deserets, beverages. I made it until 930 . friends we were sitting with was heading home being aware of my fatigue



Dad I need your help.

the backstory is I'm German but married into an Italian Family. my youngest daughter just called me in a panic, I really need your help( my first thought was she wanted me to watch her son, my 4 year old grandson) she said can you tell me how to make Barzone family Sauce?   of course I learned from my wife's grandmother, I quickly gave her the recipe and said, "It sounds like you're making dinner" she said eventually. BUT there was no invitation, bummer. LOL   peace to all, Jay



I love you more!!!

A good friend of my youngest daughter sent me a text message yesterday, saying how sorry she was to hear about my surrendering my license and my disability denial. she added I know how strong you are and you'll be fine. This is another one of those kids that spent so much time at my house I thought we had gained another child. she said I don't know how you do it. I said I use humor a lot. she replied I know what a smarty pants you are and you know I love you.   I said I know but I love y



Not Alone on my Journey.

Again talking with R (employee at the coffee house), I mentioned my come back trail, Walking it alone today, I guess I didn't clarify Physically walking it alone today, but she rebutted my comment, she said you are not alone, we are always here for you. She mentioned her grandmother had a stroke 20 years ago and was bedridden for those 20 years unity she passed 6 months ago, she said you are such a blessing, surviving a stroke and getting around and your volunteer work, you are an amazing indiv



early morning pick me up.

I stopped for coffee and managed to find $.50 for a tip. I mentioned how I am normally a good tipper, but have no income. The employee stated, that's okay my best tips are conversations with people like you. WOW, shes new we just met last week, but we have had some great discussions. Peace, love, joy and prayers, Jay



Amazing? You tell ne

At our support group meeting I asked my speech therapists to review the report and recommendations to determine if the hospital could provide me any additional support in my recovery. 1. The report stated "no evidence of left neglect. My therapist said, that's BS I said what do you mean? She responded don't you recall I gave you your initial assessment when you came here! I have those assessments U added the single part looking for left neglect, u used the strategyies of finding the left e



Another glorious day

The past two weeks have been hit and humud, tolerance low. This morning a cold front came through, dripping humidity and temps. Took my morning coffee oyt to see sunrise. Needed a jacket as the 30 to 35 mph winds blow across the vast open waters if lake Huron. Big waves a line freighter. Ocean foubf called a salty silhouetted with the pink sky in the background. Once again u thank God for saving me and giving me the opportunity to witness such beauty. I am a blessed person Peace, ko, joy



Stroke Survivors ... They're everywhere

After our stroke support group Tuesday, which I was the only one there. Far be it for me to complain when I have a captive audience. 2 young attractive therapist, I continued with my presentation of the stroke network. Showing off my blog. Its all about me isn't it? Lol And the Neuropsych ologist reported that I'm narcissistic. I wonder how she figured that out. Oh yea that exam was 8 hours. Lol Anyway while waiting for the bus I was talking to a gentleman and he said he had a stroke 2 year



Volunteeribg today a win win situation

I went to the hospital to check on my two patients, when I asked the nurse to see if W wanted company, he said she's resting. Every time she tried to lay down and rest another therapist came to give her another round of treatment, I said let her rest I'll try to see her on Saturday. I had looked at her schedule for the day I would have been resting too. On to number 2 the nurse j is find I'm sure she'd love to see you. I walk in and said hi do you remember me she thought for a minute and said



Normal in one part of my life

SSA denied my disability, my attorney said," SSA normally denies a disability claim with the initial application. So I guess in that respect I'm normal. Not necessarily the "normal" that I have been seeking. Lol Peace, love, joy and prayers, Jay

